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Audio Patch panel in video production studio

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Submitted by anonymous on

Last week I came in a studio which uses a Mackie 1604. It is hooked up to a patch panel which links it to the different recorders and computers. Everything is connected with TRS jacks. The patch panel is a stero patch panel. But i saw they only used Mono-jacks to patch the signal. A lot of equipment uses balanced signals( Mackie 1604, dvcpro recorder, edititing stations end so on)

Tracking video and audio in sync

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Submitted by camsr on

I have a friend who is getting a Sony HDR-FX1 camcorder and we had the idea to track the audio and video seperately from each other so we could use our preamps and mics instead of using the camcorders mini input. We are not going to be using the mic in the camcorder itself. We need to sync the audio and video recording to each other so post-processing is minimal, but how do you do that?

Music in video is more dynamic than CD music

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Submitted by anonymous on

Browsing the iTunes video store, I noticed that the audio in the music videos always leaves about 7 dB of unused headroom compared to the audio-only counterpart. So I extracted the audio from a greenday video, normalized it to fill in the 7 unused dB, and compared it to the audio-only version.