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Alécio Costa has been a great help!

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Submitted by jazzbass12 on

When it comes to Newbies (especially with Mastering) this is a great forum for help if all are willing and not so quick to slam dumb questions. (only dumb question is the one not asked).

I know it is slightly off topic here but, I just would like to encourage all to continue to help one another. Alécio took much time thru Private Messaging to assist me with a few newbie questions in the art of mastering/compression.

This was highly appreciated by me. This will be the last off topic from me.

Maybe I will move to Brazil.


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Alécio Costa

Hey, I got red in the face here!I am shy!!!

You are wellcomed my friend.

Never be afraid of asking, everybody started at Lesson 01.

I have thousands of lessons to learn until be able to speak the language of our nice mastering moderators here.

I am happy to know that the simple purchase you did is helping you improve your sound and techniques.

We are a big family here and I am sure that united we can make our musical world perform better.

(Man, I am acting like a politician.. Shutting up now)

Wed, 10/08/2003 - 15:33 Permalink
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Alécio Costa

you´re all wellcomed! Hey, the mastering room moderators will kick me out of here! I am making party at their house!lol

Free cake to eveyone!

Kurt, what is the meaning of this RUsh.....?

Is it women´s make-up? lol

Yes, a big Rush Fan. Also, fan of Joe Satriani, Lisa Stansfield and Toto!

Hey.. what does one has to do with the other on here?

Rod, I can see the sea from studio window. Not the best beach 1km from home but the pics I send to all you guys of my list are just 20 minutes from here.

Mon, 10/13/2003 - 21:18 Permalink
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Rush Limbaugh is a conservative right wing radio and television broadcaster / announcer / talk radio show host who was forced to resign from ESPN for making some comments regarding a black football quarterback. It turns out he is also addicted to illegal prescription pain killers ... Most people either really hate him or love him. His fans are called "ditto heads " . It was just a joke... :D

Mon, 10/13/2003 - 21:52 Permalink
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Originally posted by Alécio Costa - Brazil:

hehee. Who is Denis Miler?

:) Alécio, Dennis Miller is a comedian, he makes satirical comments on politics. Rush is a spokesperson for the *moral* extreme right of politics, unfortunately many of his comments must now be scrutinized as he had been heavily sedated with narcotics. For how long, I don't know! I know this thread belongs in the bar and grill, sorry mastering guy's!


Wed, 10/15/2003 - 02:37 Permalink