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were do i get some cool noises like wind or vinyl crackl

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Submitted by anonymous on

i want to find some kinda online library of a bunch of cool noses i can use for intros and such for my wind or wierd noises..or that blacj vinyl crackle/hiss...where do i find stuff like this?



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Alécio Costa

Hi friend!

Roland has a card named SRJV XP Soul Jazz that has dozens of sampled vinyl scrateches, very well recorded and processed. I myself use a few in my future release in 2 songs.

Howevr, you will need some JV XP compatible module so as to play them. Maybe a friend of yours might have one to borrow/rent?

Also, try a search at

I can look here also

Nice week

Mon, 10/06/2003 - 19:15 Permalink
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You know, I never realized how effective drastic varispeeding (as in, stretching without preserving tempo OR pitch) can be used to make some really eerie sounds.

Typewriter, minus two octaves - hair-standing-on-end

Sample of WW2 aircraft, plus two octaves - creepy wail

A little off topic, but you might find this useful. Be inventive.

Get a receptionist desk bell, record that, then make the pitch start at -2 octaves and dip even more very slowly after the attack, and dip the volume at random intervals. You have your own creepy gothic bell.

Wed, 10/08/2003 - 11:00 Permalink
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Oh the love of sound design... A decent mic, a little processing power and you've got years of fun. The bell idea sounds cool but why stop there??! I recorded my fridge running a while back for some room tone in a short film that I was working on. Shift that down a few octives, add some fat reverb and gate it. Great solid kick.


Fri, 10/10/2003 - 17:10 Permalink
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Alécio Costa

Michael, similar thing here.

We were producing the soundtrack for a short lenght movie.

Ithought we were going to record drums.

So, before the musical director arrives, my tech jumped to the drums and I recorded a 2 minute groove.

The big guy arrived and....

He liked the demo groove so much and we ended up pitch shifting it 2 octaves down. It sounded like a King Diamond patch -lol

All the soundtrack terror scenes were developed towards that terror groove


Fri, 10/10/2003 - 17:20 Permalink