Good Morning and Happy New Year all.
I was wondering if anyone has any tips for mixing a nylon string guitar? I recorded a song of mine using two mics - (both condensers) one at 12th fret and the other at bridge. Got a great sound while tracking.
Was wondering if someone can point me in the right direction as mixing the two tracks. Frequencies to cut/boost. that kind of thing. Been searching on this topic and cant seem to find a whole lot. If someone has a *gasp* cheat sheet that would work good too...
I think one of the reasons you are not finding much about this s
I think one of the reasons you are not finding much about this subject is there is NO template, cheat sheet or usual method for EQing classical acoustic instruments. IMO EQ on this type of recording is done primarily to remove recording anomolies, like a bass resonance from the room or an overly bright mic. If you got as you say great sound during tracking why are you concerned with EQ? The only thing that might be judicously added is a small amount of reverb and even with that you need to be very careful.
I wasnt really looking for a template...I was looking more for a
I wasnt really looking for a template...I was looking more for a place to start. If there is a cheat sheet available even better. I like to at the very least get close to the ballpark and then sweep some of the frequencies to find a sweet spot.
I do have other instruments in the arrangement and wanted to see if there were any other frequencies that are either cut/boost (for the classical guitar) if at all. Would like the classical guitar tracks to have a bit more definition. They sounded great during tracking however they could use a push in the right direction to add a little uuumph to the overall track.
I did add just a touch of reverb but even a little bit is probably too much.
Are there specific frequencies that can be notched out when mixing a classical guitar? Still learning.
If you want to add more "definition" to a particular instrument
If you want to add more "definition" to a particular instrument it is usually best to use subtractive EQ on things that might be "interfering" in the same tonal range. You might refer to something like this hertz chart which was posted by someone else ( I think it might have been Cucco)
Rather than boost something giving it its own space helps and reverb can actually push things back in the mix.
Thanks JG...what an awesome chart. I'll try those things you men
Thanks JG...what an awesome chart. I'll try those things you mentioned. Im pretty close to a great sounding mix.