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My apologies if this seems like an obvious question, but do any of you have recommendations or important considerations for a good, cheap computer monitor for a PC-based DAW system? The system is below. I have a small amount of space, but hope to use two monitors. Thanks for any recommendations or considerations.


Dr. L.

Asus P4PE, P4 3.06Ghz CPU
512 PC 2700 DDR 333
430 Watt PSU Ahanix Nobless Case
Black Floppy Drive
Matrox G450 32MB AGP Dual Monitor WD JB 40GB OS Drive
WD JB 80GB Data Drive
Windows XP Pro W/SP1
52X/24X/52X Black CD-RW


David French Sat, 08/28/2004 - 18:50

I would definitely go for an LCD - they use less power, are easier on the eyes, and do not create interference. Various companies are coming out with cheap LCDs lately, but i'm not sure of the quality of any of them. Gateway sells good quality refurbs, which is how I got my 19" LCD for $400 about a year ago; it's still going strong.


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