Has anybody tried to use a FireWire audio interface and a USB audio interface together with Apple's aggregate device option? Would it be best to just pick up another FireWire interface for data flow/latency issues?
I have a PreSonus Firepod and would like to add 2 extra channels on occasion. (Yeah, I just can't get the S/PDIF thing to work.)
Hi this is Jeremy from PreSonus, I might have an idea to get you
Hi this is Jeremy from PreSonus, I might have an idea to get your spdif to work. I don't know if you've tried this, but go to the firepod control panel, change the clock to S/PDIF, and then try to use the digital connection. I hope this helps, if it doesn't or need other help feel free to contact me.
I to am having problems with the SPDIF on my FP10. I have tried
I to am having problems with the SPDIF on my FP10. I have tried the switching to SPDIF clock then plugging in the SPDIF cable to no avail about 50 times. I think it is an issue with the firmware I have or the fact I'm using XP64. My email is broke right now so I cant email you and I am also emailing with another Presonus tech from the tech support it is just taking like 5 days every email I send to get a reply. I really hope I can get this figured out as I love everything else about the FP10 and bought a digital preamp to get 2 more channels out of it. When I get the email working again I'll shoot you one as well.
Thanks to Jeremy at PreSonus I got my S/PDIF working, however I'
Thanks to Jeremy at PreSonus I got my S/PDIF working, however I'd still like some information about the aggregate device question.
Is anybody even using Apple's aggregate option around here? It seems like such a great solution for adding inputs with unmatched/unlike audio interfaces.
Can I ask what it took? As I am still no closer to having mine w
Can I ask what it took? As I am still no closer to having mine work. With the average response time of the Presonus tech being 5-7 days It has been slow going.
Jeremy had me run an FP10 firmware upgrade -- I own a Firepod th
Jeremy had me run an FP10 firmware upgrade -- I own a Firepod that I bought new in 2006. (I know there is an FP10 firmware update on the PreSonus website, but I don't know if it is the same one that Jeremy sent.)
I downloaded the FP10 Control software from the PreSonus website, fired it up, switched from internal clocking to S/PDIF and it worked. (Actually, the story is slightly longer, see below.)
My troubleshooting list:
1) Does your FP10 unit light flash from red to blue before you plug in the S/PDIF cable? If it doesn't, that is your first issue. (Like me, it could be a hardware/firmware issue.)
2) If it does, then does the light turns solid blue after you connect? (Make sure the preamp is on and properly set up for S/PDIF output before you connect.) If it doesn't, then that is an issue. (Check your cable -- Is it a 75 ohm, coaxial S/PDIF cable? Is there a short?)
3) If it does, was your DAW recording correctly before you switched from "internal" to "S/PDIF?" Check. (This was my issue after I updated the firmware. I couldn't seem to get it to work, then I tried to record with the interface clocked to "internal" and discovered my DAW (Logic) wasn't recording that way either. I restarted the computer and then everything worked fine. Duh.)
4) Is your computer/DAW detecting that your FP10 is sending 10 channels? I use a Mac for recording, so I'm not sure how Wintels handle audio, but I can go into my System Preferences and check the sound control panel and see that the interface is sending and receiving 10 channels (and that's even before I set up the S/PDIF).
Good luck, I hope this helps.