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AKG414 vs. . TLM 103 vs. . Mojave MA-200

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Submitted by anonymous on

Vote for your favorite sounding mic out of these three.


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JVPredds8 wrote:The guy at guitar center told me.......

OK, there's you first mistake He's quite probably never even plugged a mic in.

Your poll is impossible to answer because my answer would probably differ for every new application.

In response to this very very very stupid comment!!!!!!!!!!

I just graduated from Fullsail University of Recording Arts, in fact the best school in the nation for recording engineers, I know way more than you think I know and would probably make you look like an ass in any major recording studio. And "the guy" at guitar center happens to be a 2 time gammy nominated producer, which is a lot more than I can say at the moment.

Mon, 12/05/2005 - 20:56 Permalink
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In response to this very very very stupid comment!!!!!!!!!!

I just graduated from Fullsail University of Recording Arts, in fact the best school in the nation for recording engineers, I know way more than you think I know and would probably make you look like an ass in any major recording studio. And "the guy" at guitar center happens to be a 2 time gammy nominated producer, which is a lot more than I can say at the moment.

Why do so many of the threads into here dissolve into "I know more than you" and "I probably make you look like an ass"? Not that I doubt JVPredds8's ability to make people look like asses in the studio...

Anyhow as for this "best school in the nation", sigh... Odd how no one ever claims to come from the number 3 school in the nation isn't it? So what's the deal, did FullSail get the official title by beating Berklee in a popsicle sucking contest or something? Fullsail teaches you how to turn down a threshold knob "better" than all the other schools in the US teach their kids to turn down a threshold knob? C'mon, it's a great school but just because you paid more than everyone else doesn't necessarily make you "better".

May as well post some of your work and we'll see what's shaking. I love hearing great music and I'll be the first to give you your due if you post anything impressive. Let's hear that Fullsail advantage. 8-)

Mon, 12/05/2005 - 21:12 Permalink
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JVPredds8 wrote: JVPredds8 wrote:The guy at guitar center told me.......

OK, there's you first mistake He's quite probably never even plugged a mic in.

Your poll is impossible to answer because my answer would probably differ for every new application.

In response to this very very very stupid comment!!!!!!!!!!

I just graduated from Fullsail University of Recording Arts, in fact the best school in the nation for recording engineers, I know way more than you think I know and would probably make you look like an ass in any major recording studio. And "the guy" at guitar center happens to be a 2 time gammy nominated producer, which is a lot more than I can say at the moment.

Grow up!

You are passing yourself off as "Eddie the Expert" yet you believe, and worse still, QUOTE a salesman from Guitar Center.

Oh man, are you green or what :shock:

Mon, 12/05/2005 - 22:37 Permalink
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hahahahaha!!! First of all, nowhere did I say he was a salesman at guitar center, all I said was and I quote "the guy from guitar center", meaning a guy I had talked to while I was looking for one of those three mics to purchase. Second of all, I never said I am this expert you claim me to be, I simply said I know a hell of a lot more than your cockey ass thinks I do.....I guess if nothing else, thanks for the lauge man and good luck, your gonna need it.

As for the rest of you, thanks for all the great advice, I appriciate it

Tue, 12/06/2005 - 02:18 Permalink
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And in regards to Calgary's comment, by me explaining to his ignorent ass(kind of like your own) that I went to this school was just to let him know where I stand as far as my education of this topic. But if you want to take it as me trying to boast or show off then by all means, get frustrated and worked up and type another paragraph about how I claim to be this musical genious, lol.

Tue, 12/06/2005 - 02:26 Permalink
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And in regards to Calgary's comment, by me explaining to his ignorent ass(kind of like your own) that I went to this school was just to let him know where I stand as far as my education of this topic. But if you want to take it as me trying to boast or show off then by all means, get frustrated and worked up and type another paragraph about how I claim to be this musical genious, lol.

"Ignorent"? "genious"?

Tue, 12/06/2005 - 04:02 Permalink
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Whatever happened to the original thread here, anyway? We were asked about 3 specific mics. I have no reason why those 3 were chosen, but I'm sure the person posting the message did.

There are tons of great mics out there. Everyone has their faves, and that's a beautiful thing, ain't it?

BTW. To the dude who thinks that Full Pail validates your credentials, think again. I work and live in Florida and run across grads from that school more than flies on a cowpie. I have yet to see/hear one of them with a decent work ethic, few with the people skills necessary to succeed, and even fewer with a real sense of musicality. Just attitude. My last assistant spent too much of his not-rich, blue collar daddy's hard-earned money to go there. Six months later, he's welding motorcyle fuel tanks. He thought that everyone would be signing him on, but the realworld demands on his time and patience got him bounced by every room in this region. Nothing beats experience and learning from your mistakes. Schools protect you from making those mistakes. Life is a bitch, ain't it?

Tue, 12/06/2005 - 06:59 Permalink