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Submitted by anonymous on


I've just aquired a soundcard for home recording, but I plugged a synth to its input ports and the signal is somehow weak. I talked to the support people where I bought it and they say it's an amplifying issue, that I should get, as a good solution, a mixer, at least with a few channels.

is this a good way to go?

are they expensive?

I've always wanted to get one anyway... I hope this is allright



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hi there , if you want some more juice you can use a preamp in between your instrument and your soundcard .I use balance jack input with a line 6(my preamp, not the best in the word but...) for my guitar and my sound card is a mia midi and i have no problem. Sorry if this is to simple but this is what i do and it work fine

Tue, 06/22/2004 - 11:10 Permalink