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I am new to both recording and this forum! I am an acoustic singer songwriter who ventures into other genres when I feel like it! I also play in a guitar based rock band. I am looking to purchase a multi-track recorder (I am looking at 16 tracks). I will be recording a range of music types from purely instrumental with piano, strings, brass, wind etc. to acoustic female vocal and guitar to full band with drums, guitars, bass etc.

I have so far invested in some books to help me and am researching on the net - hence I found this forum! The 2 pieces of equipment I have looked at to date are the Zoom MRS1608CD and the Fostex VF160Ex. There seem to be mixed reviews on both these items, from excellent for everything to OK for live only. As a total novice I really don't know where to start in terms of equipment although I kind of understand the theory of recording as our band has made an album.

I am mainly going to be recording for personal pleasure, but also want to make my recordings as high a quality as possible so that I can put them out as demos etc. to help attract publicity. I have a budget of £900 ($1500 roughly), but this probably needs to include the purchase of a few more mics. I currently use a Shure SM58 - a few years old but I love it).

I have a lap top to use to help recording if necessary, but the simpler I can keep things the better, as I am a beginner! I guess I really want a multi-track recorder with built in CDR/RW so I can record, mix and burn onto CD on the same equipment. However, as yet I don't know much about any of this, so if the advice is to do it differently, then so be it.

Any help / advice / suggestions would be really gratefully received as I am an experienced musician, but a total amateur when it comes to recording.

Thanks very much in advance.

Poet Dog Jane


anonymous Tue, 02/01/2005 - 01:42

Hi Poetdogjane

I am also very new to this forum and to the world of Music recording.I think the first thing to decide is if you prefer to record totally digitally or with a computer with an analog mixer,because this will affect the way you want to spend your money in the end.One of my friends uses a Roland VS 2400 all in one system and seems quite happy with it,but it is not very cheap to buy brand new.I use an analog mixing board(mackie 24-8bus) linked to a computer linked via an internal soundcard. You dont have to buy one as expensive mixing board as mine ,but a mixing board will eventually give you a lot more recording headroom for recording your instuments than just a laptop.But when you held down buy budget things can limit your choice,which i do understand.
I dont know if my comments will help you,but I wish you a lot of sucess with your projects.

anonymous Tue, 02/01/2005 - 04:40


Thanks for your reply. If I were to go the way of analog mixing board linked to a computer, how much disk space (hard drive) would I need on my computer? My initial reason for not going the computer route was that I already have a home PC (which is OK) and a good laptop, but I don't want to overload either of these systems or have to upgrade too much. I have 40GB of hard drive and 512MB RAM on the laptop, but the home PC is not as up to date.

Is the quality better using a mixing board and PC, or would I get a similar quality going through an all in one? In terms of mixing, does an all in one unit allow you to mix tracks as well as if you were using a PC based package? My band have used Cubase to record our album and were able to mix as we wanted - would I have the same sort of otions with say a 16 track all in one?

Sorry for all the questions, but if anyone can help I would much appreciate it!


Poet Dog Jane

anonymous Tue, 02/01/2005 - 05:36

recording choices

The reason I chose a mixing board and a PC is that you can always have room to upgrade your recording techniques,also you can use more computer based tools such as plug ins and synthesisers and so on. Cubase program is not a problem,even your home computer is not too much of a problem since some people still use older PC operating systems such as windows 98SE and windows 2000.If you still want you lap top you can always invest in a mobile sound card such as M audio, or MOTU which you can attach to your lap top,but I do not have a great deal of experiance in this area.If still want to buy a all in one system find out if there are plenty of digital on board effects so you can at least have some control in adding effects to your individual tracks. :)

anonymous Tue, 02/01/2005 - 07:41

Hey there

Thanks again for the swift reply. I am now a little more enlightened! I guess I really need to decide on which method to go for and exactly what I want to do. I have bought a copy of music mart (UK) to see if that will give me any helpful reviews on equipment. I am also considering purchasing a PA in the not too distant future, so I guess if I am going this route, then it would make sense to get a mixing desk that I can use for the PA and recording. I will shop around and see what is out there! Look for lots of digital effects....

Thanks again for your help - I'll see where I get to!

PD Jane :)