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I have just come up for air after recording over 40 songs in the past 3 months plus 2 long form projects.

Are things picking up? Or is this just a bubble?


audiowkstation Sun, 12/29/2002 - 07:57

I did a 50 mastering job from Aug-Oct. I have been busy, but more in teaching and tutoring , not cash flow.

I have been doing hi fidelity equipment reviewing the last 2 months and listening about 70 hrs per week, doing archiving and running the Audio Streaming site helping others achieve their goals.

It is fun over there and a ton of killer stuff is coming our way to check out and see what you think.

(Dead Link Removed)

I had an oppurtunity that was monkeywrenched by someone else before I could get it going. One of those cases of starting a new relationship and it not getting started the way it was supposed to.

I am doing an album now to be finished around Jan 15th.

See: Here

Or [[url=http://[/URL]="http://damone.cozmi…"] Here if your browser sucks[/]="http://damone.cozmi…"] Here if your browser sucks[/]

For further details.

themidiroom Thu, 01/23/2003 - 05:44

Hey guys, I literally had to climb out from under a pile of building materials to write this. I'm expanding my project studio; adding an isolation room for voice and small instrument setups. It should be really nice. It's on a floating slab, double stud walls with two layers of strand board and drywall. I'm also attempting to reverse-engineer some RPG diffusors. I have some formulas, but they are really intended for designing the large fractal units. If anyone has dimensions or formulas for the smaller QRD diffusors, I would be forever greatful.


GravityJim Tue, 01/28/2003 - 10:43

We got real busy this month, and it looks good for the next couple, so far. We do commercial music and video postscoring, so it's not like recording bands or what have you. We're dependent on the advertising and MarComm business, and people have been a little weird these past few months... I hope the current work load means it's coming back as strong as it was first two quarters of 2003 (and all of 2002, for that matter).

glitchless Sun, 02/09/2003 - 06:55

Yup, I was booked up till this coming July as of last Nov. This is amazing for me, as I ws thinking of throwing in the towel after virtually no work last year. 911 killed business for me since my clients all cross the border from Canada to the U.S. to get to me. The up side for them is no GST (Canadian goods and service tax). :c:


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