A better option would be to buy your cable in bulk and make your own. You get exactly what you want and need, as well as being cheaper in the long run.
Can you make reccomendations for the best cable and connectors that I can buy and what is the best way to get it through the wall into the control room? Should use a plate where I plug a cable into a cable? I just want to get the highest quality cable and make it as clean as possible.
A better option would be to buy your cable in bulk and make your
A better option would be to buy your cable in bulk and make your own. You get exactly what you want and need, as well as being cheaper in the long run.
Can you make reccomendations for the best cable and connectors t
Can you make reccomendations for the best cable and connectors that I can buy and what is the best way to get it through the wall into the control room? Should use a plate where I plug a cable into a cable? I just want to get the highest quality cable and make it as clean as possible.