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What are the differences between the two?


anonymous Sun, 05/15/2005 - 16:54

Glad it's working out well...One thing you need to try is to pad the outputs (Shure inline pads or the A-designs ATTY), which will then allow you to crank the gain more without using the pad on the API. I did that on overheads a lot and it sound really good. The API has really hot levels coming out.


anonymous Mon, 05/23/2005 - 20:46

hey Stu!

I noticed in one of your other posts that you've got a couple of Sebatron units as well as the API.. I know it's not really apples and apples but on a scale of 1 to 50 (just to give a bit of headroom ;-)) where would you place the Sebatron 2000/4000e, Thorax and API as mic pre-amps in terms of the sound you can achieve for a variety of applications?

Being Aussie and loving up my Rode mics, I'm keen to go for an all-Aussie vocal chain :lol: .. but I don't really want to sacrifice quality if I'm going to spend >$1.5k USD.

On a side note.. anyone reading this know of any studios in Sydney or Perth (I spend alot of time in both places) packing a Sebatron pre?

Cheers people.

Guest Tue, 05/24/2005 - 04:00

API, but no Sebatron

Matt_Trix wrote: hey Stu!
I noticed in one of your other posts that you've got a couple of Sebatron units as well as the API.. Matt

Sorry Matt, I only have an API3124+ at the moment. Most likely I will have a Sebatron or 2 by the end of the year. If not sooner. They are real high up on the list now adays.
Best reguards
Stu, aka
Luke :lol: whatever

J-3 Tue, 05/24/2005 - 09:00

yeah, I'd love to hear the differences between the Seb 4000 and the API 3124. Again they are apples and mangos but I'd like to a/b them. Those are the two units I'm looking at the most but I've got to tell ya I'm still sceptical about the Seb stuff. Anyone in the Central Tx area have one they wanna compare with my MP2NV? Right now the set up I'm going for is the MP2NV, a UA 2-610 and the API 3124, perhaps a nice clean pre after that, Grace, Earthworks etc.
