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Submitted by anonymous on

Hi folks.

I've decided to establish an Australian Embassy here. I think we need one.

be back soon.



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Boy. It's good to be back. I've been "active" over

on the ProTalk, Pro Audio Forums part of RO since I posted here.

I think I'll stay here for a while.

I called the English "sad sack Pommies".

Said I had real issues with some of the Canadians around here.

Accused some engineers of being racist towards Aboriginal Didgeridoo players, Australian Musicians and Australia Music - who they likened to a (QUOTE) "fart".

Gave an introductory talk on Post Modernism on the BADDEST AWARDS,

Publicised the creation of this Embassy.

Congratulated Julian on reaching more than 10,000 posts.

"Contributed" over on City Hall.

And...well...I kinda implied, through guilt by association, that Chris (audiokid) was....well...

a beligerent Canadian Hippie, if you really want to know.

But he can't get me in here.Cos this is THE AUSTRALIAN EMBASSY. And he has to respect Australian Sovereignty.Right? Right!

I told everybody how good I thought Fairlight was.

And Rick Hamming replied to the first part of my story re my ghost - I've also got a post on Stephen Paul's forum "Microphones and Reverb. And Ghosts - as well as the RO X Files here.

Oh and I also sort clarrification of new member status in respect to the new Fee. I still haven't got this (clarrification). Neither has Sky Blue Lou who is a new member, who I also gave an Australian Visa to.

Just thought I'd let you know in case any Canadian Armed Personnel Troop Carriers turn up painted with "Peace" symbols. :cool:

Sat, 04/13/2002 - 09:19 Permalink
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Hi stedel,

I am exersizing (exercising -is that how you spell it? - The lack of a spellchecker is really starting to piss me off! - I won't say exorcising (I don't want to piss off your ghost))my newly granted visa (thanx again kind sir - or should it be Your Honor? Just how do you thank an ambassador?). Taking it out for a stroll if you will. I see you are in a race with Julian for most post(s). I too am in a race. I am racing for the formidable "Senior Member" ranking. If my surmise is correct the magic number is thirty. We shall soon see. I shall return (Why spend all my thoughts on only one post?).



Sat, 04/13/2002 - 09:38 Permalink
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Australian music artists. This is the Time. Stand up and take some pride. We have been challlenged. Challenged to a popularity contest and oneof force and strength. And this challenge has been set by a POMMY! They have challenged us to reach 20,000 posts first. They already have their handicap start of 10,000 (only because they are going to need it) we have only 500.

Lets show the world that the Australian music contingent ARE a force to be reckoned with, lets show them the music we create. I must say its a hell of a lot better then the poms, they LOVE Kylie Monogue and Jason Donavon, said cases of music yes, but even sadder for the Poms for loving them so much. What a said life they must have. I pity them.

We all need to let our Aussie music comrades know about this challenge. Get them here to post and smash the poms.

We will win! We will kick arse!

And then we can eat a HOT pie and drink a COLD beer!

Sat, 04/13/2002 - 17:22 Permalink
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Hey I was born in Glasgow. Cool.

Wow! Hi folks nice of you to drop in.

So far Sky Blue, I haven't come across any Canadian Army or Para-Miltary vehicles.

Megs.....(a.k.a. Idle Threats). Behave yourself.

Everybody else, those I've mentioned included, welcome.

I've got to set up the Embassy properly yet.

Get some nice leather Chesterfield couches in, some Australian beer in the fridge, and a plasma screen hooked up to DVD player so we can watch Star Trek and other Movies as well. Maybe in the Future, test out Fairlights Surround Sound capabilities.

I've been over on "the other side", you know, the RO Pro Talk Forum, checking out things, and having to answer for and to some of the stuff I posted last night. :cool:

Sky Blue Lou, I've suggested on audiokid's post that one constructive thing to do would be to let me redesign the Fairlight Forum, so that I can do some of the things I want to do. I asked for this to be done by next week. I did say please, though.

Folks I have to do a bit of work, here on the Fairlight Forum, over the next couple of days.

One thing I've got to attend to really quickly is to sort of explain to the Fairlight users who used this Forum, what has been going on, why there is suddenly an Australian Embassy here, and that why all this is a good thing. They've been handling it all pretty well, but sooner or later the full implication of what has happened will sink in.

That Stedel is the Fairlight Forum Moderator.

This may take some time. Being Stedel, I can understand why they might be confused, alarmed, scared (please read my RO X Files post), and reticent.

In the meantime, please, make yourselves at home.

There's some Hahn Premium's in the fridge. Oh and the toilet's to your left.

I'll be back! :cool:

Sun, 04/14/2002 - 03:19 Permalink
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B Callaway

Australian Embassy....hmmmmm sounds a bit official, do I get an expense account for entertaining visiting dignitaries!!

As an Aussie who has traveled a lot including Canada and the UK, I got on well with everyone everywhere I went (and enjoyed the beer: Molson, LaBatz and Cafferty’s).

As for music, I can remember the early 80's where local independent music (that means the big record companies wouldn't sign the acts) came on leaps and bounds. We had some great bands in a wide range of genre’s who eventually became popular overseas eg; The Birthday Party/Nick Cave, The Go Betweens, The Triffids, The Hoodoo Gurus, The Celibate Rifles, The Church. There were many others who stayed local. The Sydney Trade Union club was the gig to play, 3 floors of bands every Friday and Saturday night.

Of course there were bands like INXS and Men at Work but they were downright commercial and lived in a different universe therefore alien to us at the time. They wouldn’t have drawn a crowd at the Trade Union Club :D ) so I have no idea of what the point is now….of yeah Australian music I think…..and something about an embassy

Anyway have a good day,



Sun, 04/14/2002 - 16:47 Permalink
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Originally posted by Bruce Callaway:

"Australian Embassy....hmmmmm sounds a bit official, do I get an expense account for entertaining visiting dignitaries!!"

STEDEL: Hmm.Might happen!

"As for music, I can remember the early 80's where local independent music (that means the big record companies wouldn't sign the acts) came on leaps and bounds. We had some great bands in a wide range of genre’s who eventually became popular overseas eg; The Birthday Party/Nick Cave, The Go Betweens, The Triffids, The Hoodoo Gurus, The Celibate Rifles, The Church. There were many others who stayed local. The Sydney Trade Union club was the gig to play, 3 floors of bands every Friday and Saturday night."

STEDEL : hey I played there! :)

"so I have no idea of what the point is now….of yeah Australian music I think…..and something about an embassy

Anyway have a good day,



Hi Bruce. Good to see you. Thanks for posting. I don't know how to break up quotes the way some people do up here. But I liked the points I commented on, and agreed with most of the others.

OK. So why an AUSTRALIAN EMBASSY. Well; here's one reason:

(Dead Link Removed)

It's not called that, but have a look, see what you think.

Sun, 04/14/2002 - 21:52 Permalink
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Hi stedel,

Things are getting interesting over at City Hall. You ought to drop by. What time is it in Oz right now? I've been trying to figure this out. I know it's Tuesday but is it 5:30 pm or 9:30? (It's 10:30 pm Monday, East Coast USA as I type.) It's probably 4:22 am for all I know - hell it takes more than 30 posts to make Senior Member!!

Come on by - I'd like to know your thoughts.


Mon, 04/15/2002 - 18:42 Permalink
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Originally posted by Idle Threats:

BTW my post above was in jest, good fun etc, but I do srongly believe that the Australian music industry, more so the "small players" and "up and comers" etc do need to band together to gain some strengths and power in this volotile industry. :cool:

Cool. So do I.

Thanks for dropping in folks.

(ps. quiet whisper..that's "volatile" Idle Threats..Sky Blue Lou - I agree. maybe this Spell Checker is a good thing I've got the SPELLING POLICE on my tail over on ProTalk).

Fri, 04/19/2002 - 09:59 Permalink
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Originally posted by Sky Blue Lou:

Hi stedel,

I've just received a thorough ass-kicking over at City Hall. Mind if I hang here for a bit?


No, you're most welcome...but

1. I just read what happened on my Topic, and for the most part I agree with Son Of Smarwg.

2. The last few weeks have been quite tumultuous for me up here, and I probably got in much too deep than I should have. I'm wanting things to settle down here on the Fairlight Forum, and in this case this means using the Embassy here to discuss things Australian, for people to network and maybe discuss Australian or ex-pat Manufacturers products, (including Fairlight who have a history and connection with Australia)and raise issues that may be of concern to Australian Music and recording Industry people without cluttering up other Forums.

In this respect the existing owners and users of Fairlight gear who use this forum have shown tolerance far have not said anything to me about post Topics of mine here, or the fact that yes, out of all the moderators on RO they've

got me.

So again. yes you're most welcome, but like me, time to move foreward, and concentrate on issues

such as Ergonomics, Indigenous Culture and Contemporary Music - what's the best way to record it? With a Fairlight of course!!!!!

Oh, and if you've had an experience of a ghost...

and this is NOT a joke Topic - so please respect the thread -please feel free to vist the topic so titled here.Obviously I like humour, I like having fun when I work, and sometimes I'm....well whatever term you like to use. I'm also very serious about what I do, & serious about the Fairlight Forum. So yes it will have those above described qualities, but not in excess.

Maybe hang around for a while, Check out some of the topics here, let us know a bit about what you're doing yourself, etc.

Kind regards



Tue, 04/23/2002 - 22:38 Permalink
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My chum and soon to be ex UK product specialist for Apogee Giles, is relocating to Melbourne! He is looking for openings in the field of eengineering / tech / production. And is an all round solid geezer! please PM me for Giles' email & contact adresses. He will arrive in 'god own place on earth' June 1st.



Wed, 04/24/2002 - 06:08 Permalink
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Originally posted by Kev:

Hi to all Australians.

ANZAC day here and it is 6:00am and I am very near the Shrine in Melbourne.

I got up at 5.00am after having a drink last night with a couple of the "old fella's" here who were going to the dawn service at Corrimal RSL club.

So yep, all those Aussie's currently putting, those that did, and those (unfortunately) who will put their lives on the line for things that people wouldn't think are beautiful - like rain in Melbourne. Or things that many people up here wouldn't know are beautiful, like The Old Exhibition building (gotta be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world),

and having coffee and deep rich chocolate cake in St Kilda or Carlton - well may peace be with you.

Kind regards

Have a good weekend Kev!


Wed, 04/24/2002 - 14:20 Permalink
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hello everybody this is to all the aussie's out there. on the topic of australian music you seem to have forgotten one critical element which will lead to succsess over sea's i put it to you that Nikkie Webster and her strawberry kisses will us australian's to the promise land of free clothes free booze limmo's and all the groupies and chocalte mud cake that one so desires. :p

Thu, 04/25/2002 - 17:30 Permalink
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Well, Stedel, seems that suddenly R.O. has a population density approximately equivalent to much of Western Australia - few and far between!

The good news is that you can leave for a few days and catch up on everything that's been posted in no time at all. Not like the old days, when it would take almost a full day to check all the new posts.

The bad news, Stedel, is you may be stuck with no one to talk to except me! ;)

Wed, 05/01/2002 - 23:18 Permalink
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Ahh, here's still some action!

The bad news, Stedel, is you may be stuck with no one to talk to except me!

Don't worry -

The rest of the mods certainly passes by, since this is the most active topic on DAW, wich always was kindofa place to chill ;) Stedel, now that we can speak almost privately, you might safely tell us your favourite alligator recepys.

...anyone got a fag?


RO still rocks? Well on my cans, it does!!!


Thu, 05/02/2002 - 01:16 Permalink
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Hello stedel,

One last visit to the Embassy before my guest pass expires. I don't believe what you said about agreeing with certain actions taken in City Hall. A fair attempt at diplomacy is my guess. It was a pleasure to chat with you for however brief a period. I hope you check back at some point and get this message. Talk to littledog...he misses you too.



Thu, 05/09/2002 - 19:22 Permalink
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Ah folks....

Where have I been?

Well it's a long story involving me using an image of Captain Cook (who "discovered" Australia - which made all the Aboriginal people living here at the time very happy - ) on a poster advertising an arts/music festival. This has developed into a Kafka-esque novellete with dubious polticians, lawyers, and fairly reactionary local city councils. That's what I love about Australia sometimes - it's sense of humour.

Good news is that I may be getting a Dream systems

bit of gear for a couple of days to demo - Aussie Fairlight people are definately very :) what's been happening?

No posts here since over a week....anybody still out there? Christof?

I've been looking into gear by

Marquette Audio Labs


JLMAudio (Aussie Neve loving maufacturer)

Peach Audio (also Aussie manufacturer of high quality valve mic-pre's much like a Neve 1073 but "better" (?)

and the Sony DMX-R100 which I may run with a Fairlight Satellite (although I've discovered that Fairlights "Dream Station" comes with mixing sidecars so I'll suss this out also).

Erm apart from that, the World Cup (soccer) is about to start, winters starting to set in here, (but the days have been glorious with an "Indian summer" happening), and well, I'm about to have breakfast.

So, what y'all bin up to?

Kind regards

Stedel :cool:

Tue, 05/14/2002 - 15:07 Permalink
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Welcome Back Stedel!

I did miss you! Please stay around!

You see I got lost, I found that I can't tuck the dream satellite under my arm, because all the drives are in a Rack, and that's fine for a facility. But I have gone off my rocker, and for the cost of a nice trip to Tahiti, and or Bora Bora, via Australia of course, I purchased something else, like instant gratification food here in the US. After some research, I bought a Yamaha multi-tracker. It was a 10th of the cost of the Fairlight, so my family will only have to beg in the streets for a short time. Now you say, have you gone mad? Perhaps, but I must say for my cause it will work! Please be kind.


Tue, 05/14/2002 - 17:37 Permalink
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Hmm. Well Rick here's what Hugh Robjohns of the UK magazine Sound On Sound had to say in summary of a review he did of one of your beasts when they first came out:

(QUOTE)"I think it is worth taking a moment out to think about the fact that just over two and a half thousand pounds will now buy you a complete,

professional-quality recording and mastering package in a very compact and convenient box! A decade ago the equipment necessary

to provide similar facilities at a comparable quality would have set you back well over ten times as much and probably would have

filled the room! Sometimes it is too easy to take the advance of technology for granted...

The AW4416 is a fabulous machine. It does pretty much everything you could possibly want it to, with minimal fuss and plenty of

flexibility. Everything about it exudes quality, from the quiet mic preamps to the versatile effects processors, and from the solid physical

controls to the clear menu screens. It is remarkably fast and easy to use, it sounds wonderful, the mixer is superbly powerful, and you

can master your album directly onto a red-book CD all in the same machine. Ever since playing with the preview model, I've been

trying to come up with a plausible reason for the wife as to why I have to have one. Do you think Yamaha would notice if I forgot to send

it back?" (ENDQUOTE)

Different strokes. My needs are different. I like racks (but I was raised up as a Catyholic!) It's all about what makes you happy and what helps prevent your family from begging in the streets!(There now wasn't that kind? :) )

Now where's my cardboard banner...."Fairlight Dream Series to support...please give..."

Kind regards :cool:

PS Yamaha's new DM2000 (although in Fairlight pricing territory) is also getting good press over here.

Tue, 05/14/2002 - 18:56 Permalink
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Originally posted by Goes to 11:

RO is free again...

Hence the reference to the Woodstock announcement...

C'mon stedel, it wasn't that obscure.

Hmm. Maybe it was the Brown Acid...has anybody noticed something odd about the taste of their coffee? You've got to watch these Love & Peace Festivals, people slip all sorts of things into your favourate noticed how the colours really glow on my monitor....Let me just check....

Nope, wasn't hallucinating...there is a Fairlight Satellite system in my studio!!!! :cool:

Sat, 06/01/2002 - 13:01 Permalink