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Awesome organisational gadget!

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Submitted by anonymous on

I got one of these yesterday as a (43rd) birthday treat to myself :)

http://handspring.c…"]htt p://[/]="http://handspring.c…"]htt p://[/]

I picked up one of the cheapest Palms to see how I got on with them, (pretty good and Mac friendly unlike my Psion) but I missed the keyboard I had on my Psion and was getting pissed off with my cel phone in one hand and the Palm in the other.

I am sure to drop it down a toilet or on concrete in a matter of days, but for now, this little toy is v f cool for juggling a studio diary while out and about!

While on the plane to the last NYC AES, I chatted with Andy Hilton (UK) he has moved from the Audio hire to the ISDN audio business and now to software design. He said he had a Palm OS recording studio management software for sale... I will see if I can get any further info.



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Thanks guys! I tried to get on RO with it. I could see all the text even the smiley icons but the waving critter was not moving!

It didnt seem to want to accept my post so after what must have been $4 worth of air time trying to do it... I gave up (for this evening that is) Email is fine and fairly speedy..

I am too late but there was an April fool picture a few years back, of a Palm Pilot with Pro Tools software drawn on with photoshop or something.. :)

Fri, 04/12/2002 - 19:36 Permalink
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Freaky. It was my birthday yesterday and I went out looking for a Psion to help me organise my studio etc. Could it be that the Aries star sign is inexorably linked to things that have complicated manuals?

They didnt have the one I wanted in the end. Bitterly dissappointing waste of a perfectly good impulse shopping spree. I guess I shall just have to have an extra pretend birthday next week.


Sun, 04/14/2002 - 13:23 Permalink
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Yes, color! wow! I suppose I might try sell my old one when that comes out, I wonder if it uses up more juice?

I find the Palm OS & Palm Desktop fine for basic studio & social diary duties, anyone else?

There are lots of other PDA able Cel phones that are smaller & can sync to Outlook Express, but I am hooked on the Palm system now..


Mon, 04/15/2002 - 02:47 Permalink
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Thanks to your post i just went out and bought a Handspring Visor Pro (16mb). It's a lot of fun but i need to find some versions of tetris ASAP! Luckily, the office store i bought it from alsot through in a carrying case/keyboard for free! It was $80 by itself, so i feel i made out pretty well. Now i just have to find some uses for my new gadget!



Tue, 04/16/2002 - 17:26 Permalink