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Best Mic for Thin Male Voice?

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Im currently using an Avalon with a tlm 103. It sounds better with fuller voices though. I want to get another mic preampferrably a tube thats warmer then a TLM 103. Any suggestions? Price range is up to 5k, i just want the right mic for this application.


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Im currently using an avalon with a tlm 103. It sounds better with fuller voices though. I want to get another mic preferrably a tube thats warmer then a tlm103. Any suggestions? Price range is up to 5k, i just want the right mic for this application.

Saying you have a thin voice is like saying you have little muscles. The solution is the same for both of them. I thought that the solution to my thin voice was a better mic and/or preamp, but I eventually discovered that I just needed to get better at this whole singing thing. I'm still not good, but at least I don't sound anorexic anymore. And you don't need $5,000 to sound good. I think you can sound good with about $100. 8)

Sat, 06/06/2009 - 11:57 Permalink
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Saying you have a thin voice is like saying you have little muscles. The solution is the same for both of them. I thought that the solution to my thin voice was a better mic and/or preamp, but I eventually discovered that I just needed to get better at this whole singing thing. I'm still not good, but at least I don't sound anorexic anymore. And you don't need $5,000 to sound good. I think you can sound good with about $100. 8)

That is a senseless comment. Did a studio tell you that? If i said that to my clients id be recording you with $100 equipment. I bet you dont know a thing about recording. Im looking for people who have experience with gear to help me select a mic for a specific application not you bitch about how you cant make yourslef sound good.

My bad for not clarifying, this is for professional use.

Sat, 06/06/2009 - 16:45 Permalink
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That is a senseless comment. Did a studio tell you that? If i said that to my clients id be recording you with $100 equipment. I bet you dont know a thing about recording. Im looking for people who have experience with gear to help me select a mic for a specific application not you bitch about how you cant make yourslef sound good.

My bad for not clarifying, this is for professional use.

And you are clearly not even close to being a professional.

Sat, 06/06/2009 - 17:25 Permalink
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Just for the record, the SM58 is for professional use and it is in fact often found for $100. Even in professional studios the Shure 58 is a staunch and worthy microphone contender. Indeed it has been used on more albums than you can count. If you are looking for someone to say go buy a Neumann U87 then that probably isn't going to happen.

Additionally, I'd say you need to grow some thicker skin. If you don't like someone's comments it's as easy to ignore them as get your panties twisted in a knot.

I'm a pro audio guy myself despite it not being in my sig lest there be any doubt. Geez, Remy might have made more sarcastic comments than that half asleep and I'll guarantee she has more experience than most on this board.

Sat, 06/06/2009 - 17:34 Permalink
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Microphones are as unique as a person's vocal chords, and must be chosen for the right application. It takes years of practice and indeed a good set of ears to know which mic is right for the job at hand. You can't look at a price tag and expect it to directly correlate to the quality of the resulting sound. A price tag is nothing more than a reflection of how much it takes for a factory to produce a certain product.

Yes, customers are picky and like it when you pull that 'top shelf' mic out to record them, but don't be afraid to switch it out for a different, albeit, cheaper mic if that is what is needed for the intended sound. All of the advice you have been given is good and valuable in its own right. Get your head out of the clouds. If you really run a studio you should be professional and not the whiny little girl I see posting here.

Sat, 06/06/2009 - 18:26 Permalink
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Not that it works for everyone, but dynamic mics are often a good solution for adding beef to a voice (e.g. Bono on an SM58, Michael Jackson on an SM7). If your clients need to see more bling, maybe try an RE20. (Not really much more expensive, but it looks big and professional. That seems to be important in this case. The fact that it's a great mic is a bonus.)

Sat, 06/06/2009 - 18:40 Permalink
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Sorry Nc if i came off a little evil but im a straight to the point person. Im looking for MICS for my application. I understand what your saying and somewhat agree with you. Just has nothing to do with what mics are good for thin vocals.

GuitarFreek, Im curious to see what people are using for thin male voices. Not mic theory or vocal advice.

I dont understand why everyone is focusing on prices. Im trying to find best mic for application regardless of price as long as it is under 5k.

Im trying to make a list of mics to audition this week.

So far the list is: U87, Wunder cm7, RE 20, Bock 151, Mojave ma 200.

I need to get an RE 20 anyway so that one is a sure thing. Ill be sure to get an sm58 or 57 also, great mic to have around. Iv never really liked the way vocals sound on it, but it can make them fit into the spectrum of the music really well sometimes. I just dont see it making anything thicker and warmer.

Im really looking for something that will make thin voice warmer and thicker. A lot of color.

Sat, 06/06/2009 - 20:17 Permalink
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Lets not forget to mention the Heil dynamics. ALL of them are robust sounding and can bring a nasally thin voice some body.

As for your comments in response earlier. I think the suggestion was aimed at YOU having a thin voice and not at needing it for a studio setting. You can certainly learn to sing in a more proper way and strenthen a voice by doing vocal exercises. I feel that this was the crux of NC's comment.

Since this is clealry something you're looking for, NOT as a personal usage thing, but as a studio piece, then you need to flesh out your needs a bit more clearly. Now that you have, perhaps you'll get some sage advice from those that really know their business.

Question: Is the Avalon your only preamp? If not what do you have access to?

Question: Is there a particular style of music you record or is it more of a anything goes kinda business?

Question : What are your own skill levels like as an engineer? ie: Do you know what your doing? ....Dont take this wrong, a lot of guys have years of experience and still havent cracked that little line between good and great! I ask this because, sometimes, you already have what you need and a simple adjustment of techniques will get you the results without throwing a bunch of cash at it.

Question: What is your room like? Sometimes, an upgrade in sonics will get the sound you wish for. Control is frightening when its really good! Just when you thought that you could never get a great sound, you add a little bit of sound control to your main recording area and VOILLA! Success.

So we want to help. As the Moderator, I gotta tell ya, dont be so quick to judge someones answers. Detail helps. Much more than just a budget number. Of course that helps too but it really gets clear with a few other details.

Mon, 06/08/2009 - 12:33 Permalink
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The Avalon is the only pre amp. Im planning to get another soon. Maybe UA or Neve. I want something with some character.

The music we work on is mostly Hip Hop, RnB, and Pop. We do work on other genres and cross genres also.

I feel confident as an engineer. Could always use more experience and with technology changing so fast its hard to keep up. I graduated La Recording School in 2006. Im only 24 so i have plenty to learn but I know the basics, how i want stuff to sound and how to make it sound like that.

The studio is moving in a couple months and i will be making a new control. The current control is 12 by 13 room with terrible acoustics.

The reasoning why im looking for mic that sounds good on thin vocals is because the tlm 103 doesn't on some songs. I record thin voices very often. I know a different pre/mic combo can put a bigger smile on peoples faces. I plan to buy many mics in the future for mic collection as i find them needed.

Mon, 06/08/2009 - 14:35 Permalink
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You might already know this, in which case I would be preaching to the converted, but better said than not. If you try positioning the condenser mic lower and angling it upward toward the person's mouth instead of singing dead on, it might resonate on those chest tones a little more.

By the way, you said you want a tube mic to add some warmth. Tubes accentuate the warmth of a person's voice, but if said voice is thin it won't necessarily add warmth that isn't there to begin with. Instead you may want to look into a dynamic mic that rolls off the highs to compensate for the lack of lower end. There's always more than one way of looking at a problem.

Mon, 06/08/2009 - 15:17 Permalink
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What your saying is you've tried mic techniques, room sound, and vocal techniques. But what you think will really alter the sound at this point is none other than a great preamp for thin vocals, and a great microphone for thin vocals. Is this right?

Somebody had a great point. You put on schoes at a schoe store so you can "feel" out which ones will fit. You want somebody to pic a mic and pre amp for you, who has done this before. Is this right?

Mon, 06/08/2009 - 16:04 Permalink
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I would recommend ribbon mics in general as was already suggested, as they typically give a darker, more "vintage" sound. But you sort of have to know how to work the mic when using it for vox, and not to be rude, but I do recall you saying you record a lot of hip hop "artists" (cough, cough), and I don't think there are too many of those who know how to correctly work a mic that can overload easily. To be fair, I wouldn't let one of those cookie monster vocalists near a ribbon mic either. :lol:

Mon, 06/08/2009 - 21:43 Permalink