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Best Mic for various Applications

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Submitted by jazzbass12 on

Does anyone have suggestions as to what mics works best by applications:

Hard Rock Vocal

Blues Vocal

Pop Vocal

Ballad Vocal

Choir Vocal

Is there a resource ont he web that might explain what mics work best by application?



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You might mention what PRICE range you're looking in.

I mean, if I recommended a U-47 would that be useful?

Basically I don;t hink it's fruitful to think about it in terms of genres.

Some rock singers on some kinds of tracks sound great through that aforementioned U-47 and others sound too hi-fi and do better on an SM-7 (or even an SM-57)(ugh)

It realy comes down to the best mic for the SINGER rather than for the "style".

Most records, i think you'll find, were recorded with the vocals on big diaphragm condensor mics, irrespective of musical style.

the exceptions get mentioned because they ARE exceptions.

Fri, 05/09/2003 - 14:12 Permalink
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If you want to purchase a mic in anticipation of these vocal styles, I would say the you have the cart in fornt of the horse.

If it were me, I would find a store with a large selection, and arrange some demo time, or locate a rental house to rent an assortment.

Mics are like eyeglass. You can't use the same formula on everyone, reguardless of style.

Fri, 05/09/2003 - 14:44 Permalink