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Submitted by Kerfoot32 on

EDIT: Made lots of tweaks


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I've posted this in the past, but its been awhile and I've made lots of tweaks. Just looking for last minute feedback before I send it off. Thanks!


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LOL the picture looked like Brian Ferry, of Roxy Music, with some fat gay guy coming on to him LOL? Yes LMAO it's disturbing.

And there is an element to your mix that is equally disturbing. It is certainly quite aggressive sounding. A little too aggressive. The sharp presence actually makes it difficult to listen to, enjoyably. It's over the top. Much further than it should be. But that's just me. So it's not necessarily a piece of music I would walk across the street to purchase. It's too technically abrasive. So I don't think you're ready to send it off just yet?

Is the disturbing picture your album cover? Or is it just some gay guy coming on to you? And did you find that flattering? As one should? Just remember to use a condom and him also. You wouldn't want to pass a bad mix. I mean it sounds like your mix has an STD? (Sound Trouble Disease).

Get it off me! Get it off me!

Mx. Remy Ann David

Mon, 07/07/2014 - 12:49 Permalink
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I'm not sure what you are going for here. At first I thought the thin sounding drums was an effect...I kept waiting for the drum track to open up and kick me in the chest with powerful low end chest thumping and top end space.... but it never happened.

The vocals are very thin-sounding, in fact, everything is very thin sounding, almost as if you put an HPF on the entire 2 mix and rolled of your lows around 400 hz. There's no real warmth here. It's very cold.

It's not a bad song, it just needs a lot of work.

I could say that I think this might all come down to a general EQ sculpting, but, also requiring a lot of pin-specific embellishments too ( or cuts, where needed).

But truthfully? - and I'm just throwing this out there as an idea, so don't kill me - You might have hit the point where you're fried on this one - you mentioned making a lot of tweaks. It might be time to consider releasing the grips on this song and putting it into the hands of a real engineer with some real gear and fresh ears.

IMHO of course. ;)


Tue, 07/08/2014 - 11:40 Permalink
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I think part of the problem - or at least my problem, is that I don't really know what you are aiming for here, and that makes it difficult to make suggestions as to what you can or should do.

Is there another artist that you could perhaps point us to that is somewhat similar to what you do? A style or particluar song that you dig that influences what you are doing?

I know that's not always an easy thing to do, especially when you're working with originals, and trying to find your own niche.

But if you could give us even a rough idea, a basic road map to how you would like this to sound, we might be able to help you a bit more...

just a thought.


Fri, 07/11/2014 - 07:28 Permalink