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Choosing Studio Monitor Help

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hello, fellow bottom feeders! It's time for the obligatory question about monitor selection. I have about $700 allocated for a pair of powered nearfields. What are your thoughts on the following:

1. Event 20/20bas (I can get them for $750)

2. Event PS6 (Heard good things and easy on the wallet)

3. Tannoy Reveal Actives

4. KRK V6

5. Any suggestions welcome ;)

I know all of the standard answers like trust your ears, listen to each pair yourself, etc. But I'm looking for your experiences to help guide/narrow my search. Thanks.

P.S. Great forum!


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i love the jbl lsr25p and lsr28p monitors.

the 25's should be in your price range.

i have the lsr25's and genelec 1031s (and a few crappy speakers too which i use to reference), lately i'm starting to monitor with the jbl more - believe it or not..

oh yeah, i was skeptical about "jbl" at first too. these are some Serious monitors.

Mon, 06/18/2001 - 10:31 Permalink
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The logic for trying to stay with the powered versions is to keep the variables to a minimum. Powered monitors have amps that are selected/customized for that specific speaker's specifications. (At least that's the theory :) ) It's funny you mention the Yorkvilles though since they have a powered version listed on their website now and I'm interested to hear about them. The JBL's aren't bad either, but I haven't heard a lot about the 25's. Thanks for the input. Keep it coming. I'm especially curious about the KRK's. Thanks

Mon, 06/18/2001 - 11:23 Permalink
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Originally posted by faithful:


(Nice Sound Though)

I believe, if you look enough, you can get the Mackies for about the same as the Events...I did.


Mon, 06/18/2001 - 11:58 Permalink
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I like the JBL LSR25's for your price range.

They are about $600 for a pair. They are very smooth in the high end and they are self powered. You could upgrade later, by buying the matching sub.

Best Regards,

Nathan Eldred

Atlas Pro Audio, Inc.

Mon, 06/18/2001 - 12:32 Permalink
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I'm no engineering pro, but I love my Yamaha Msp10's. Clear as a bell and about a hundred times easier to take than my old ns10's, which are still good to check out your mix on. They are priced really high, but I negotiated a deal with Guitar Center Hollywood for $449 each in the Maple version so you could do about $100 better on the blacks. They have XLR in's only, are not a matched set, but each has it's own volume.

Again, I'm no pro, but reviews are all favorable.

Mon, 06/18/2001 - 17:42 Permalink
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Powered monitors are not a necessity if you're not moving from room to room.


Mon, 06/18/2001 - 19:35 Permalink
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Wow, you guys are better negotiators than me. :eek: The lowest price I've been able to get out of the Mackies is $1050/pr. Usually the Yamaha's are even more. Of course, I don't have enough money to buy a lot of stuff and get the "package" discount. A couple more comments on the subject. I would like to be able to take these room to room. And I'm trying to stay away from the sub. I've heard too many horror stories about bad sub positioning in the room. I know I'm being picky but I really want to do this right. Thanks for all the input so far.

Tue, 06/19/2001 - 03:03 Permalink
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If you can get the 20/20bas—grab ‘em. Lots of power/flexibility there. I use the PS8’s and love them…

If you don’t need the room EQ and extra watts—check out the PS8’s—they’re exactly the same otherwise…


Tue, 06/19/2001 - 21:56 Permalink
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I had the 20/20's they are muddy in the low-bottom end. I liked them when I first got them although I found my mixes did not translate well in the low mid/ow end.

I have the Krk V6's now it is a big improvement. I thought the mackies made everything sound great, I do not think they would translate well.

I did not mid the Yamaha or Tannoy system 800's.

Wed, 06/20/2001 - 01:13 Permalink
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Jon Best

Here's my standard recommendation, passed on faithfully from Scott Dorsey. Worked quite well for me, and now they live in my living room. Buy a pair of NHT Super Ones, and go find a used Adcom 535 power amp. The combo should run you about $475 total, maybe, and I haven't found anything I like better short of the Mackies. I will say that the powered JBL LSR25's are pretty impressive, though- if you *need* that price range and powered, that's the only thing I'd buy myself.

Originally posted by faithful:

Wow, you guys are better negotiators than me. :eek: The lowest price I've been able to get out of the Mackies is $1050/pr. Usually the Yamaha's are even more. Of course, I don't have enough money to buy a lot of stuff and get the "package" discount. A couple more comments on the subject. I would like to be able to take these room to room. And I'm trying to stay away from the sub. I've heard too many horror stories about bad sub positioning in the room. I know I'm being picky but I really want to do this right. Thanks for all the input so far.

Wed, 06/20/2001 - 19:16 Permalink
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Jon Best

Well, I don't think there's a lot special about the combination of SuperOne's and Adcom, other than the fact that they are both really good and neutral for what you spend. The NHT's are home hifi speakers, yes, but they're just speakers! :) Adcom is just one of many companies in audiophile land that none of us have ever heard of, but Scott turned me on to them as a good sounding amp that could be had for cheap. Certainly was a huge upgrade from an Alesis Ra100. The Hafler Pxxxx series is as good or better, but then again you're not going to see them for $150. As far as the sound, it's interesting- I can't seem to hear as 'far into' the mix as I can with my (more expensive) Quested system, but there isn't any frequency range that's a real zinger- the NHT's are just about as balanced as you could reasonably expect (well, there seems to be a little burble at ~3.5K, but it's orders of magnitude less than everything else in the price range). Mixes always translated well when I used them, and in fact they're sitting in the house as my final check-mix speakers now.

I think the Yorkvilles are fine, but a little more top than bottom, and I don't get along well with that type of speaker. Certainly good bang for the buck, but I'd pick the NHT's as flatter with better bottom.

Originally posted by Bear's Gone Fission:

Hey, Jon, your post has been sticking with me. The Super One's are home hi-fi speakers, right? What's with the Adcom? Hifi amp, it looks like from ebay, but I've never heard of them.

Is there something about that mating specifically that's special (e.g.-one compensates for the other in a specific quality/range)? Is there a hype zone to beware of? Does the rig show a turd for a turd or polish it? (Some monitors flatter to a fault, it seems.)

I want out of Minimus land, and had been thinking Yorkville YSM-1's, have you compared these to the NHT's?


Fri, 06/29/2001 - 20:41 Permalink