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closet for a vocal booth/iso room?

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Submitted by anonymous on

I am currently in the process of setting up a home studio. My computer setup is in my bedroom, which is almost where I am limited to recording, one problem with that is that the fan on my computer tower is not loud, but it isn't silent. I am afraid it would definitely come through with vocals on a condenser mic, or with guitar through a sm57. I have two options, moving the computer desk/setup in this long closet, or making that closet the iso room/room where the Micing goes on.

I think putting the miked stuff in there would be better, as I could line the walls with absorbtion of some kind, and close the door, and the mic wouldn't pick up the sound of the computer fan etc. ( i'll be recording with headphones to avoid monitor noise in the mic).

Is this a decent idea since i'm pretty limited to one room? What could I start using to cheaply insulate the closet a bit, or abosrb a little sound. It will just be for recording vocals, and guitar cabs.

Thanks for any help.


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I would look into trying to quiet down the computer before I would go back into the closet. I came out of the closet years ago! And closets just don't sound good, except to other closets. Besides, the little bit of noise that the computer creates can generally be dealt with in mixing. You can utilize sophisticated noise reduction programs like Adobe Audition has or you could utilize a noise gate/downward expander in software to lower the level of the microphone track when your sound drops below a preset threshold.

I wouldn't want to overheat my computer but I've been known to throw a blanket over the computer for some overdubs of quiet material when necessary. If you're microphone gain is cranked up that high, you're probably doing something wrong. For vocals and guitar cabinets microphone preamp gain rarely needs to be turned up much. You're not recording any oboe solos that are 30 feet away from your microphones. Plenty of people record in the control rooms these days that all have a certain amount of ambient noise to them. It's only when you have a big $$ that you can really quiet down a control room.

Make some recordings first and let's see how noisy it is?

Ms. Remy Ann David

Thu, 12/27/2007 - 23:12 Permalink
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This brings up an interesting point that I was hoping Remy could help me with anyway. I'm in the process of finishing my home studio (have been for months now, haha) and I've noticed that, now that I'm close to having my vocal booth, which is a small closet covered with the Auralex DST 112 and 114 panels, and I also used 3" corner fills, when I walk in the booth and talk, I can hear a ton of bass in my voice that isnt naturally there. I have two other small closets for guitar cabs that are the same way. Whoops. Did I screw up here or what?

Thu, 04/03/2008 - 04:09 Permalink
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Lisa! In this house we obey the laws of physics!

All small rooms with solid walls have prominent, widely-spaced resonant modes in the bass frequencies. Always. Treating a room means trying to damp those frequencies as quickly as possible so they don't stand out so much. If you want a more even response you need more absorption. But the specific peaks of the room are always going to be there.

Thu, 04/03/2008 - 05:56 Permalink
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As far as computer noise, you are really going about this bass ackwards. Quiet computer fans and cases are just not that expensive. And if you don't want to install them yourself, there are surely people in your area who will do it for a reasonable price. Ask on the digital forum for recommendations for brands of fans and cases that would work with your present computer.

Heck, a whole new computer designed specifically for audio costs much less than really effective sound isolation. (Check out MadMax's studio build saga.)

Thu, 04/03/2008 - 06:05 Permalink
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In 50 years people will be looking for extinct Personal Computers to run in their recording room so they can achieve the vintage "Fan Sound" heard on so many late 2000 recordings.

Siriusly, computer fan is Not ambient noise.

Ambient noise is wine glasses clinking, the hummingbird outside the window, a lighter sparking up a joint, water poured into the singers cup, and perhaps a dog barking in the back yard.

No noise reduction software can help you remove the fan.

Listen to SRV, the sound of the amp humming is ambient noise.

Fri, 04/04/2008 - 19:50 Permalink
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Plenty of plugins will get rid of fan noise. in fact, I don't know of a NR plugin that CAN'T!

Also, fan noise certainly is ambient noise.

The reality is, most home studios don't need to be silent or even quiet for that matter. You can record a screaming guitar while your dog barks in the same room without any problem.

Vocals - a liitle fan noise shouldn't cause any problem unless you're on top of the fan.

Also, you don't think 5 minutes with a blanket on your computer will kill it? try it.

After a month or so of doing this on a regular basis, kiss your computer good bye.

WHy don't you just put your computer in the closet?

Sun, 04/06/2008 - 12:16 Permalink