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DAW for me

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Submitted by Faeflora on

I posted this on musicplayer and I'm posting here because hopefully it'll reach more people and so I can get as much advice and suggestions as possible. So, if you read or respond to my thread on musicplayer thank you and you do not need to read beyond. right. here. :).

I would like to be able to monitor my audio inputs so I don't have to use an external mixer.

I would like as many tracks as possible, preferably 48 or more tracks.

This would be the core of my studio for myself and my record label. I'd like it to be usefull and useable for at least 3 years and possibly upgradable.

Does anyone have any suggestions with a budget of $10k-$30k? I'm thinking Sonic Solutions, SadIe, that Ensoniq software... So many people use Digidesign but I'm sure that there's something better available for my needs.

I'll really appreciate any suggestions, this is really important to me.


F :)



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I'd definitely check out PARIS from Emu-Ensoniq. It fits pretty much all of your qualifications, and happens to be reasonable in cost.

Hmm... what is 1024 step mixing?

Good luck in your search. If you can, I'd suggest finding some studios around town with various systems. Hear/see them in action.



Wed, 04/11/2001 - 07:01 Permalink
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Originally posted by Graham Duncan:


I'd definitely check out PARIS from Emu-Ensoniq. It fits pretty much all of your qualifications, and happens to be reasonable in cost.

Hmm... what is 1024 step mixing?

Good luck in your search. If you can, I'd suggest finding some studios around town with various systems. Hear/see them in action.



i agree

just to second the motion

and really what IS 1024 step mixing

can't decide if that is specifying a feature

or actually one thousand twenty four steps to mix



Wed, 04/11/2001 - 10:57 Permalink
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Originally posted by Faeflora:

1024 step mixing is:

when faders adjust the volume in 1024 steps. So, if you move the fader from bottom to top you'll go through 1024 increments of volume. :) i get it

i know Pro Tools has that

if you got the cash to get into the system

although the digi 001 system is affordable and i hear it is pretty cool

i can't comment much more then hearsay though

i have never even looked at the edit or mix window on it

sorry i'm not much more help then that,

j.hall :)

Wed, 04/11/2001 - 12:27 Permalink