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Decent Equipment crappy sound?

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Submitted by anonymous on

Decent Equipment crappy sound, your help is appreciated

Hello everyone i need your input here

i consider myself as a decent composer,with great ideas,first i was recording out of my Basic laptop Celeron cpu,bad idea,so now ive got

the Core duo 2 Cpu,2.4GHZ,WITH 2gb ram and now purchased the Audigy 2 soundcard ...and I'm recording using acid pro 7.0

i got some real good sound patches for very realistic sounds

Great Violins Piano VST etc

sound comes via midi from a $500 dollar 88key Digital piano connected to the midi input from my pc,(not to the audigy)

what happens is that i get real crappy sound when i try to render..

i was even getting better sound out of my celeron laptop that what i have now

just wondering what it could be...I'm running the Asio Audigy drivers at 48/16

the rendered audio sounds like a regular radio stereo

i know i dont have the best soundcard out there but i was hoping i could get some decent recordings considering for what i have heard on other people using the audigy sc.



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Audiomaker, post: 356172 wrote:

just wondering what it could running the Asio Audigy drivers at 48/16

Just a shot in the dark here but maybe you should try running your audio at 44.1/16 instead of 48. I think when you render a song, the sample rate might have some problems w/ the correct sound you are looking to achieve. Just a quick thought to throw out there...?

Fri, 11/05/2010 - 06:08 Permalink
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I presume 'render' is Acid Pro's term for 'bounce' - taking your multitrack composition and producing a final 2-track stereo mix. If so then yes its possibly the resampling - define crappy sound though? Or better try doing this without a sample rate change i.e. 44.1/16 throughout and let us know how you get on?

Fri, 11/05/2010 - 06:45 Permalink
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[[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.ethanwin…"]Creative Labs Audigy Sound Card[/]="http://www.ethanwin…"]Creative Labs Audigy Sound Card[/]

This article is Way old in the ways of computer years(minutes), but actually still it does explain much about this sound card. There is some info here that makes sense to the discussion on this thread. It seems to me that the bugs are causing the problems w/ this piece of hardware(or drivers?), and there has got to be a way to render "bounce" the track down to 44.1khz/16bit cd standard format. If the original poster would at least follow up then maybe this would be interesting to us goofs here that like to read.???

Mon, 11/22/2010 - 04:31 Permalink