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Digital performer 3 v 4.5 ?

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Submitted by bluesdudeo on

Hi there,

I 've read lots of great reviews via the media and as alway they are very posotive in regard to upgrading. But I was wondering what you people thought of the upgrade ... is it really worth while am I missing out on that much ?

I'm still using 0s9 /dp3 / g4 mac 466 MOTU 2408mk2

I would appreciate any comments from DP users?

Thanks for your time David.


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I'm using DP 4.61 with a 2.0 G5 and I could not even imgine going back to DP 3- this set up is a lot faster and stable. If you don't use soft synths a G4 dual 867 is a great machine to run DP 4.... with os X and you can get them quite cheap- I used to have a G4 400 and the dual 867 was such a great improvement. the only reason i moved to a G5 is that the soft synths were making the dual 867 real slow. Other than that, i could get as many tarcks as I needed in that thing-

Fri, 01/13/2006 - 08:41 Permalink