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fed up with digital performer...any ideas?

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Submitted by anonymous on

I used to post at RO a lot when I got my studio up and running thanks to everyone here. After about a year I’ve reached a point where I almost hate DP. It is one of the most unstable programs i've ever used. If you use it by itself...with no 3rd party plugs, sure its fine but the minute you add something like the waves4 bundle it’s crashing in the middle of editing crossfades...or something as simple as that. It's not unusable but it’s very frustrating. I'm about to upgrade my audio interface to a MOTU 896HD or a Tascam FW-1884 but I’d really want to hear from everyone on how I could get the most stable system possible with about 2k. whether it be the MOTU 896HD and logic 7 or the digi 002r and ptLE or the Tascam and cubase. I'm willing to learn new software if needed...I just want something I can feel comfortable with.


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logic is

a) a killer app

b) probably the strongest contender in the virtual instrument area

c) in version 6 pretty stable with

d) occasional stability problems when using waves v.5 (was able to improve by deleting prefs etc.)

e) said to go well with the new rme fireface, which is why i'm gonna get it next week...

when you're making music (and maybe even use sampling and synthesis) logic is THE way wo go imo...


Sun, 10/17/2004 - 15:08 Permalink
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benefits are:

- supposedly better converters (the one-before-latest akm)

- two adat in- and outs instead of one, therefore 16 optical channels in and 16 out

- the instrument input with speaker simulator and harmonics generator

- a very nice routing software to route any input to any output or any group of inputs to any outputs

- a spdif connector that is also aes/ebu compatible/switchable

- only 4 micpres so you don't pay for 8 inferior ones, just for 4 (just kidding, i actually don't know what the mic pre's sound like yet)

- firewire 800 AND firewire 400 connectivity

- one adat port switchable to optical spdif

beware! this is (almost) all information you can get from the internet! i haven't heard the thing yet (but i will hear it very soon). i'll keep you posted if you're interested.

motu's interfaces have a history of being rock solid with mac's. i have used the 896 a couple of times and it did perform well, no clicks, crackles, latency or any such problems. mic pre's seem to be ok for what you can expect from an interface like this, they didn't seem to be worse than the ones on my mackie 1202 at first sight...aeh...hearing them...but i have yet to dive into the voc session i recorded with the motu to reconfirm that...

Mon, 10/18/2004 - 18:37 Permalink
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lessthandmb10 wrote: i'm not going to leave DP until i see how 4.5 is....maintiger if you could please let me know how 4.5 is and if its worth the price...i would like to stay with DP and match that up with the HD896 or the new tascam FW board..

I guess 4.5 started shipping on 10/15/04 but I don't have mine yet-

I can't stress enough though that you go and post your problems on The people there are superwilling to help-

I already got some help on my 'Drums From Hell Superior' problem that I had posted about before here to no avail- Don't get me wrong, I love RO, but for Digital performer issues the Unicornation is the best and I'm glad is back! :D

Wed, 10/20/2004 - 13:06 Permalink