I was looking for some soundcards in the last few days, and it's hard for me to make a choice.
I was checking the Gina 3G, WamiRack 192L, EMU 1820M... (cards around that budget) but I always hear so different opinions about them. For example, some people say 1820M is a great card, but other people say it's crap.
I would like to know your guys opinion, and what sound card you'd go for.
I'd appreciate your help... I have to take a decission in the next couple of days.
Thanks a lot in advance!
great converters, not so great pre-amps
great converters, not so great pre-amps
Yeah... some other people told me the same thing about they prea
Yeah... some other people told me the same thing about they preamps (especially about Gina 3G, the one I wanted to buy).
What do you think about a TF Pro P3 preamp? (about use it instead the default Gina 3G preamp)
Thanks a lot for your response!
This may not help much, but a coworker uses the gina24 for editi
This may not help much, but a coworker uses the gina24 for editing and it seems like a very good card/interface. The gina24 doesn't have xlr ins, but with a little mixer connected to it, the audio quality seems very good for the price. I certainly wouldn't think that the pres on the gina3 would be much, if any, worse than the little mixer he's added.