I'm looking to buy a Great River ME-1NV, for use with mostly hip hop vocals, and some female singing. Do you think this is a wise buy? and what mic would you recommend for up to a 1000 USD?
p.s. I have an M-Audio Omni studio interface / Delta 66 sound card.
Any of these will give me good vocals for hip hop/female singing .. mostly rapping though, or any other recommendations? please stay in the 1000$ range. Thanks.
Great mic pre. it's hard to go wrong with the Great River. I wou
Great mic pre. it's hard to go wrong with the Great River. I would recommend you demo a few mics before actually buying one if you can.
Cool. I was thinking about: AKG 414 ULS or TLII Audio Techni
Cool. I was thinking about:
Audio Technica AT 4060
Studio Projects T3
AKG Solidtube
Do I need a TUBE mic for hip hop??
Also an Audio Technica AT3060 .. Any of these will give me go
Also an Audio Technica AT3060 ..
Any of these will give me good vocals for hip hop/female singing .. mostly rapping though, or any other recommendations? please stay in the 1000$ range. Thanks.
didz, on your "other" thread, I neglected to mention the Studio
didz, on your "other" thread, I neglected to mention the Studio Projects T3.
I tried it at NAMM and was extremely impressed with it on my voice. Am a "crooner" though with no hip hop singing experience at all.
The 3060 is kind of weird as it has a "tube" originally designed for hearing aids!
Nice preamp! AT 4060 out of the ones you have listed..But try be
Nice preamp! AT 4060 out of the ones you have listed..But try before you buy...Good luck
Originally posted by didzejzefir: Do I need a TUBE mic for hi
No you don't.
Add a 57 to that list just for a reference. I can't find a mic
Add a 57 to that list just for a reference. I can't find a mic that I like better on my voice.
Great River is a better pre amp but I'm doing mostly Hip Hop and
Great River is a better pre amp but I'm doing mostly Hip Hop and female vocals as well, and I went with Avalon .Listen to it first of coarse
but look at this user list!