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Hi I am Just Starting Out In Music Production and I am looking for some help on setting up my midi equipment. I have an evolution 249c midi keyB and an opcode 64x midi interface. I am wanting to know how to conect them to my pc. I have an audigy sound card with a game port.

Do i connect my sound card to my midi interface using the game port and then the keyb to the interface. ?

I do not have any midi cables as yet as i am unsure as which ones to get. The game port is a 15 pin but the interface has 9 pins.

If anyone could point me in the right direction i would be very greatfull.



anonymous Mon, 10/04/2004 - 02:04

Hello Again people.

I have just bought myself the midi lead that was kindly suggested by big D for my sound card, and I was just woundering if anyone knows anything more about midi interfaces that could help me....?

I have a Opcode studio 64x 64-Channel Midi Interface/Patchbay and am a bit confused about how to connect my equipment to it. On the back of the interface are 2x 5 pin connections one called pc thru and one pc computer. there are also 6x midi outputs and 4 midi inputs.

I am wanting to connect the midi interface to my pc sound card and my evolution keyb to the interface.
What is the correct setup i should use...?

I am using cubase sx and reason 2.5, and i am looking into getting myself a roland MC-307 GROOVE BOX and Roland EF-303 DJ GROOVE EFFECTS. and may be some other midi stuff.

Sorry if this is a really dum question but i am a beginner....


anonymous Thu, 10/07/2004 - 08:11

ok, i take it that was a silly question then.....

what i mean this set up right...

Computers com port goes to midi interface
then new midi lead goes from soundcard midi/joystick too, 1 midi input and 1 too, midi outputs slot on interface..

then midi keyboard which only has one midiout, goes to midi input on interface...?????? do i use the midi keyboards usb as well...????

also i have something called SMPTE on the back of the interface. one in and one out, what does this do.??
