I'm in a new band and we'd like to record a simple demo. Our orchestration is violin, viola, steel pan, bass, and keys (I'm playing only keyboards now; no acoustic keyboard instruments yet).
So: what do you think we need to make this demo work? We don't practice on system, so we're good at balancing by ourselves (that is to say: I'm hoping (for our first thing) we can get away with not giving each instrument its own track).
This is what I'm hoping:
A nice condenser mic (what kind?) for the instruments and a tight dynamic cardioid mic ( probably SM58 ) for the vocals. Run it all through an Mbox into Pro Tools.
What do you think?
Riiicola; I think you should repost this over on the acoustic m
Riiicola; I think you should repost this over on the acoustic music forum. LOTs of folks there who specialize in this stuff who can give you some real specfics and tips.
Thanks, JoeH! I'll do that.
Thanks, JoeH! I'll do that.