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Ideas on Mic placement

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Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 04/25/2005 - 00:45

Hails to all,

Im new to the forum, and Im glad I found it. I have recrntly just gotten into recording audio, and I am in love with it. Right now I'm trying to soak up any info I can get before I try to go to school for Audio production.

Anyway, My band is gearing up to record a demo in my little home studio. The gear I'll be using is:

For hardware/interfaces/etc:
-Korg D16 (since it has 8 inputs I can use for the drums)
-MobilePre USB from M-Audio
-Cubasis 4.0 (I have Cubase SX, but I like the way Cubasis works for me right now).

The Mics that I have right now are:
2 - SM57's
4 - SM58's
1- Audio-Technica DR2000

What I plan on doing is recording the drums with 7 Mics into the Korg with a scratch guitar track, dumping it all into the computer via the MobilePRe, and using Cubasis, and doign my guitars, vocals and so on through there. Right now the Korg is just a way to use more simutaneous mics. Till I can afford my Firepod.

Anyway, I was wondering what would be the best mic to use for the bass drum? Im planning on Micing from inside the drum about 4 inches from the beater, to get that Heavy Metal click. Also, I wish I had a condesor mic for the vocals, but I don't. So which would be best for the vocals to be done on?

I hope these questions aren't too newbie for you all. Any help will be appreciated!

If you want to check out some of the stuff I've done so far:
This is a link to a song we recorded Tuesday at rehearsal (we wrote it then as well) forgive the sloppy playing. But i miced the two guitar cabinets with a SM57, bass cab with a SM57 (his direct out wasn't working porperly). the Drums with an SM58 at the sound hole about an inch in, SM58 standing right in front of the kit, and the Audio technica DR2000 on the snare.

I used an Exciter on the bass drums emphisising the high-end , and exciter on the middle drum mic emphisizing the lowend and cutting the high-end (to make it less harsh sounding).


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Fooldog01 wrote: The only difference in a 58 and 57 is the grille. Take the grille off and it should respond more like a 57 (more focused pattern). And because the 58 has a windscreen inside the grille, it should open the sound up a little, but it will also leave the capsule open for damage so be careful!

I don't believe that is a correct assumption... although I may be wrong.

Wed, 04/27/2005 - 05:00 Permalink
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Fooldog01 wrote: The only difference in a 58 and 57 is the grille. Take the grille off and it should respond more like a 57 (more focused pattern). And because the 58 has a windscreen inside the grille, it should open the sound up a little, but it will also leave the capsule open for damage so be careful!

I don't believe that is a correct assumption... although I may be wrong.

Wed, 04/27/2005 - 05:01 Permalink
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Use your 58s on the toms and snare drum, put one 57 on the kick and play with placement until you get the best possible sound. Since its going onto its own track the the multitrack you don't need to worry too much about EQ, just make sure it sounds the best it possibly can dry. Then i'd take the second 57 and put it up above the drummers head pointed at the toms, so you can get a semi-balanced kit sound with the cymbals. Or work out your other mics so that you can put a stereo pair as overheads.... 57s actually work alright as overheads, but they have a presence peak in the same spot that a lot of smaller untreated rooms have a peak, so if it all possible deaden everything. Hang blankets and foam, all around the room, move couches in there for bass traps, stack things in the corners..... it will make a huge difference on the balance of the kit. Once its in your multitrack, you can mix it to a stereo drum track and import it, and it this point you can add some ambience to everything, and maybe a little longer verb to the snare.... depending on what sound you want you'd probably EQ your kick to take the boxiness out, compensate lows for the mic, and add in a little click. Then rolloff the bass from about everything else except maybe the floor tom. Maybe compress the bass drum individually and then put some compression across the output bus to punch them a little bit.... i used to record this way and it kind of sucks, but i got some great recordings that i worked really hard on because i had to commit to something....theres too many endless possibilities in DAWs and its nice to have to commit to something right off the bat and then deal with mistakes...

Hope this helped

Wed, 04/27/2005 - 09:29 Permalink