i don't think so. he and k.f. had a public argument on r.a.p. and i haven't seen him here since. he does however seem to still post around on r.a.p. and prosoundweb i believe.
i've used apogees, but not lavrys, but i've been thinking of the possibility of getting a lavry DA, so i've done as much searching and reading as i could on the two. some people claim to prefer the apogees (AD16-X) from listening tests, others think the lavry (blue model) makes apogee sound prosumer. after reading between the lines i'm estimating the sound of the lavry to be more accurate and detailed, and the apogees to have a small amount of pleasant colour, but possibly a touch light on the bass. i'm sure the lavry gold is insanely good, but it sure has the price tag to go with it. after reading all this i decided to go with an AD16-X now, and to later upgrade my DA to a lavry blue with 2 channels AD/DA. that way i have the transparent lavry to mix in the box, and for whatever mono or stereo tracking i do, but i have the 16 channels of cheap but decent apogees, making it perfect for drums/live band tracking. hope that helps!
Yeah, I've heard similar things concerning the 'sound' of the apogee.
It may be alot like API in that regard, especially as they are both considered 'cheap' gear compared to their highly detailed and accurate (and more expensive) big brothers.
You might want to call Mercenary (508)543-0069, they sell both a
You might want to call Mercenary (508)543-0069, they sell both and will be able to give an explenation on the differences.
does flecher still hang around here.
does flecher still hang around here.
frob wrote: does flecher still hang around here. i don't think
i don't think so. he and k.f. had a public argument on r.a.p. and i haven't seen him here since. he does however seem to still post around on r.a.p. and prosoundweb i believe.
i've used apogees, but not lavrys, but i've been thinking of the
i've used apogees, but not lavrys, but i've been thinking of the possibility of getting a lavry DA, so i've done as much searching and reading as i could on the two. some people claim to prefer the apogees (AD16-X) from listening tests, others think the lavry (blue model) makes apogee sound prosumer. after reading between the lines i'm estimating the sound of the lavry to be more accurate and detailed, and the apogees to have a small amount of pleasant colour, but possibly a touch light on the bass. i'm sure the lavry gold is insanely good, but it sure has the price tag to go with it. after reading all this i decided to go with an AD16-X now, and to later upgrade my DA to a lavry blue with 2 channels AD/DA. that way i have the transparent lavry to mix in the box, and for whatever mono or stereo tracking i do, but i have the 16 channels of cheap but decent apogees, making it perfect for drums/live band tracking. hope that helps!
sorry, i got distracted while typing. it's the lavry blue which
sorry, i got distracted while typing. it's the lavry blue which is reportedly a touch light on the bass. sorry!
Yeah, I've heard similar things concerning the 'sound' of the ap
Yeah, I've heard similar things concerning the 'sound' of the apogee.
It may be alot like API in that regard, especially as they are both considered 'cheap' gear compared to their highly detailed and accurate (and more expensive) big brothers.