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MBox with a compressor?

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Submitted by anonymous on

I'm trying to run my condensor mic into a compressor, then into my MBox 1. I have phantom power on the MBox turned on. the settings on the compressor are all set to allow a signal to go through (bypass is turned off, threshold is at 0db).

Problem: NO SIGNAL when using a condensor mic.

I DO have level when using a dynamic (no phantom), and when plugging a guitar in direct. Also, when using the condensor and flipping the compressor on bypass, I DO have level in Pro Tools.

My setup:

Oktava MK012 ---> dbx 1066 XLR in

dbx 1066 XLR out ---> MBox XLR in (phantom power turned on)

I'm using an MBox 1.

How should I set up to record using a condensor mic with compression before Pro Tools?

Do I need to use the MBox inserts to connect the compressor instead (I'm currently using the insert outs as my monitor outs)

Thanks in advance.
