Many of us use Melodyne so in case you didn't get this tutorial memo,
Make the time-consuming task of mixing your vocals simpler: with Melodyne it’s easy to control volume on a note-by-note basis. This not only spares you a certain amount of fader automation but also allows you better control of a subsequent compressor. In this way, you can arrive more swiftly at even better results: Riding the vocal
- Shape the sound and expression of your vocals more finely with Melodyne by governing the volume of the sibilants and consonants separately from that of the voiced notes: De-essing vocals, handling consonants
- Acoustic recordings often have a great live feel. By doubling or even completely replacing such recordings with MIDI sounds, you can arrive at fascinating new sounds: Audio-to-MIDI in the mix
- Why not try introducing different drum and percussion loops to your project? Adjusting the tempo with Melodyne is so simple it turns experimentation into real fun: Adding and matching loops
- Recorded an instrument using two microphones on different tracks and want to perform phase-locked editing in Melodyne? No problem: Working with multiple microphones
Here’s wishing you success and a great start to the New Year!
Kindest regards,
all at Celemony
Kool, thanks for refreshing my memory about the tutorials. I mo
Kool, thanks for refreshing my memory about the tutorials.
I mostly use the audio to midi feature to replace and cleanup tracks.
I'm not a pitch correction software user - I have Antares Autotu
I'm not a pitch correction software user - I have Antares Autotune and I'm not sure I've ever even used it... and in fact I'm not sure I even know how to use it...LOL) but thanks for this, Chris.
I wasn't aware that Melodyne had these other capabilities.
Glad you guys found this helpful or interesting. I have Melodyne
Glad you guys found this helpful or interesting. I have Melodyne but have only played with it enough to know how cool it is, and I should probably learn more about it. Sequoia 12 shares the things I find most useful which are time stretching and tuning. But the poly functions it does, and the speed in which is does everything all are where it exceeds I think. You can even do the exaggerated autotune effect. Its an amazing and very transparent piece software.
I think Bob Rodgers knows quiet a bit about it.
DonnyThompson, post: 398351 wrote: I'm not a pitch correction so
Take a look at the vids, Melodyne allows you to edit audio like midi, you can change note durations, and timing of the audio.
I also use it correct bad notes on horn section parts and solos.
As audiokid said, I'm a big fan. I once was a, "I don't use pit
As audiokid said, I'm a big fan. I once was a, "I don't use pitch correction" guy, but that was because all of the plugins that I tried (which included an Antares product several years ago) were terrible compared to Melodyne. It has really become one of my favorite tools - both for pitch and time editing. If you have an isolated track for a part with good pitch (vocal, horn, strings) you can do a global correction that is (to my ears) completely transparent and tighten up the pitch just a bit. If you are playing with a click you can bring the scratch track closer to the time grid and make it a better guide. (You can be more aggressive here, since it is not going to make it into the mix.) And, of course, as you can see from the tutorials, you have a huge amount of control over individual notes.
On the down side, it is a CPU hog. It did not work well with PT 8 - better with 9 and 10. (Don't know if the improvement was due to Avid or Celemony.) I now own Presonus Studio One, which has Melodyne integrated with each track. I have not tried a big project yet, but it seems very stable. I definitely recommend demoing it.