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memory allocation/deleting unused regions

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hello folks...first post on this forum.

I'm not a very computer-journeyed guy, but have been using PT TDM system since June by the seat of my pants (after 10 years with a Studer and a Neve 8068), and since I've already learned about destructive recording the hard way (ah-ha...there may be "tracks" in "other songs" labelled the same way or something like that...), I'm wondering what I'm safe to do regarding this situation:

An acoustic guitar album. 14 songs. same 4 mics recorded for every song. All labelled the same for each track (i.e. km54-L, M7, etc...)

Is it safe for me to select all unused regions in each individual song and select "delete" for them? Or will it screw up other tracks in other songs also labelled "km54(L)_1-02"?

I'm scared of hitting delete with my level of understanding of how audio regions/tracks are stored. .but, I need the memory, so...

Can anyone help without too much effort?


Brent Sigmeth

Pachyderm Studio

Cannon Falls, Mn


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As long as you keep an eye on targeting, and don't get your folders mixed up, you should be fine.

But in the real world, we all make mistakes, right? So you may feel safer by simply adding a different character to each track name for each song. For instance, the "km54(L)" track could be labeled "A-km54(L)" on the first song and "B-km54(L)" on the second song. If you were working on the first song and saw any file labeled with a "B" at the beginning, you would immediately know something was wrong before an unrecoverable deletion. This method still requires careful attention, as mislabeling a track could lead to serious confusion or some distastrous mistakes.

Wed, 01/16/2002 - 21:55 Permalink
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This is the safest way:

1. Open your session

2. Select all unused files

3. "REMOVE" them from audio list. MAKE shure you dont hit "DELETE"

4. Go to File>"save session copy in"

5. Select "include all files" (or something like it)

6. Copy the files to any other drive you have

7. Close the session WITHOUT saving it, so it will be just as it was when you open it.

8. open the new session, should be labeled like "copy of ....."

Repat this for every session where you have "share" files.


Wed, 01/23/2002 - 10:15 Permalink
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If all your songs are individual sessions, that is they each reside in their own distinct folders on the hard drive, and are NOT one long session, then deleting files from a particular song should not affect files with similar names in other folders. I say "should" because I don't fully trust the voodoo. The smartest thing would be to back up all your stuff and then go through each song removing the files you don't want, and then check by opening the session to see if all the ones you need are still there. If something goes wrong you've always got the backup. A bit of a PITA and requires the backup space, but if it's important stuff, go slowly and methodically.



Wed, 01/23/2002 - 12:41 Permalink
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Thank you all for the help! I think I'm getting a handle on this problem occured because I had imported some tracks from another session/folder thinking it would be stored as a permanent move...then, when I removed the source file from my hard-drive, the tracks disappeared from the more current session. Luckily, I had it all backed-up on some CDRs and was able to import the tracks again. Fun stuff! Learning....thanks again. Much appreciated!

Thu, 01/24/2002 - 06:26 Permalink