It's a piece of junk anyway - just sell it to me for $5 and I'll dispose of it properly. (Racked right next to my preamps... :lol: )
Seriously though - what's the issue? It's a pretty straight forward machine. Get it calibrated and tuned-up and you'll have a machine that, IMO sounds a lot better than some of the digital recorders out there nowadays. It's a great deck for on-location, straight to 2-track stuff.
You are right in that it is a rather straight forward machine to operate, and I feel that it's well worth the $90 that I paid for it. Whether it is calibrated or not, I do not know - is this something I can tell without having a professional inspecting it ?
Is their a certain feature you are curious about? I bought one w
Is their a certain feature you are curious about? I bought one without a mnual...never had a problem operating everything myself.
A spec perhaps?
Nah - I don't have one. It's a piece of junk anyway - just se
Nah - I don't have one.
It's a piece of junk anyway - just sell it to me for $5 and I'll dispose of it properly. (Racked right next to my preamps... :lol: )
Seriously though - what's the issue? It's a pretty straight forward machine. Get it calibrated and tuned-up and you'll have a machine that, IMO sounds a lot better than some of the digital recorders out there nowadays. It's a great deck for on-location, straight to 2-track stuff.
here's a link on E bay , someone is selling one, if still
here's a link on E bay , someone is selling one, if still up to date
I am unfamiliar with the following features: 1) EQ (uSec) 120/7
I am unfamiliar with the following features:
1) EQ (uSec) 120/70 - switch
2) MPX filter - switch
3) Bias Tune - rotary knob
4) Master Fader up/down - switch
You are right in that it is a rather straight forward machine to operate, and I feel that it's well worth the $90 that I paid for it. Whether it is calibrated or not, I do not know - is this something I can tell without having a professional inspecting it ?
Either nobody knows these features in question, or folks got out
Either nobody knows these features in question, or folks got outraged by a member of RO not knowing such basics . . .