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New charts at The sessions nice work Dan Richards

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Submitted by anonymous on

Have you guys seen these charts for preamps and mics that Dan is working on? :lol: very cool for us shoppers



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Frankly, I find both the mic and preamp charts fairly useless. The measure of grain vs smooth are critical in both mics and preamps. If something is very colored and very grainy, 9 times out of ten you won't end up using it, for very long, and will seek to get a device with more detail.

Both of these charts require a measure of grain and a measure of frequency response to be truely useful.

He uses 4 variables on the mic chart there should be 6. Preamps are rated from transparent to color yet, there should be 4 if you include grain and freq response.

Mon, 06/27/2005 - 09:01 Permalink