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New Macs announced today

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Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 01/07/2002 - 18:26

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Some nice new innovations, but not sure I like the new iMacs - very OUT there.

What do people think? It's a little off topic, though would like to hook up a Digi 001 to one of the new iBooks :)



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Hmmm, first "The Cube", now This ... more eye candy from Apple... and I'm quite sure that lonely housewives all over America will be rushing out to buy one of these "cute little things". It'll even match the appliances in their kitchen! So, when do "us guys" get our turn? Apple seems to be doing great at coming up with novelties, but I'm ready to see them flex some real muscle. These little G4 upgrades are getting real stale. I'd love to see them unveil a new "secret weapon" that turns the industry on their proverbial ear.
***Smawgie's Daydream*** ...
WOW! The new Apple X1! How kewl! At first glance you can see they mean business this time around...a stainless steel case! But I wonder why it's so big?'s a SYS KryoTech case (you might want to read up on this)! And check out these features! ...
5Gig CPU
GeForce5 Graphics (Hey, it's a dream)
Dual monitor support, for any type of monitor/TV
Dual channel Ultra320 SCSI card
Superdrive (the new Ultra320 version)
8 36Gb, 15000rpm, Ultra320 SCSI harddrives
12 PCI slots !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 1000 watt power supplies (custom, by PC Power&Cooling)
Firewire and Ethernet
8 USB ports !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Microsoft Keyboard and Trackball (little "dig" at Apple)
Mac OSZ (new OS controlled by spoken word)
Mac OSX.pi
Mac OS9.pi
VirtualPC with Windoze 98, 2000, and XP
Isn't it fun to daydream?'s "wishlist for future technology", five years from now, will probably be antiquated junk. I bought my first computer two years ago, and I've watched computer technology grow and develop immensely in that much time.
I honestly believe that Apple has far more potential than they are giving themselves credit for. As I stated earlier, the new iMac wreaks of "cube" eyecandyism, and my opinion is that it is far below them. I fully realize that these overpriced "pretties" help to pay the bills, but I wish they would put more focus on their high end, where they excel.

Mon, 01/14/2002 - 05:19 Permalink