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Nickelback "The Long Road" sound quality?

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Submitted by anonymous on

Whats everyones thoughts on how the new album was recorded and how it sounds. Is this the joy of analog? I read an article on the album and read that they were using HD but no word of any tape machines. Sounds like it was tracked to tape then dumped in. Please give me your opinions!


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Mix has this article: [[url=http://[/URL]="…"]In the Studio With Nickelback[/]="…"]In the Studio With Nickelback[/]

Talks about recording The Long Road album. Chad finally has his own studio where they finished the album. For vocals they used a Rode NTK through a Neve 1084, Urei 1176, and an Avalon 737 SP. They also recorded live into PT.

They deffinetly have been able to maintain their signature sound on all their albums.

Sun, 02/22/2004 - 07:28 Permalink
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Randy, we understand and are familiar with Line6. The question is whether the tracks that actually ended up on the CD are amp modelers or "mic'ed amps" (or maybe a mixture thereof).

My understanding was that they played with full amps but also recorded a clean line signal from the guitar which was then used to feed the AmpFarm. The comment from the engineer sounded like that was the way he eventually went with because it let him "change the guitar sounds as needed".

I personally have gotten pretty darn good results with amp modelers that have fooled a lot of people. I think, specifically if you pile a bunch of 'em on top of each other the difference gets smaller and smaller. From my view, it's usually a certain graininess in the back end of the sustain that gives it away.


Mon, 02/23/2004 - 08:52 Permalink
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So no one hears anything thats analog sounding about this record??? I dunno bout u guys but this stuff does NOT sound like it was recorded only in Pro Tools. THis stuff is very thick and warm yet in their articles they mention nothing about recording to tape..... Are you telling me they got these sounds recording to pro tools only??? If so then ROCK THE **** ON!!!!

Fri, 02/27/2004 - 22:22 Permalink
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Im not so sure about the guitars - they don't sound that warm to me. They sound very.....i dunno......harsh.

I mean, they are using recto's and a triple x aren't they? The guitars sound even harsher than a recto usually sounds. Its hard to tell with his vocals - I reckon his voice sound like sandpaper rubbing on concrete (I like it - thats his voice - not the equipment - or is it???)

Oh yeah - don't forget that big SSL they used! Not exactly straight into Protools!!

I think im just becoming sick of the recto sound. The guitars probably sound great but I can't be objective about it. Use something too much and the world just gets used to it - then sick of it. thank you creed, thank you very much. I can't listen to recto's or eddie vedder any more because of that hideous band.

Sat, 02/28/2004 - 04:49 Permalink