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NS-10M monitors

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Submitted by anonymous on

hey guys, i just picked up a pair of these. what is a good amp for a fair price that i could use to power these? I'm just using an mbox for the time being. would i be using the amp inbetween the speakers and the main outputs of the mbox? any help would be great



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Hi, here is a frenchy that just bought the crown D75-A and I pretty glad with the sound, compared to my old DENON PMA-1560.

It's sharp, more direct and hitting (don't know if it's a good term).

the stereo image is also better and more accurate.

I have two units, the second is to amplify my INFINITY SM-115. I hope to change them with a pair of ADAM S2.5A... A sweet dream...

Mon, 07/28/2008 - 10:37 Permalink
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I've tried them with a few different amps and I like the way they sound on a cheap consumer grade Yamaha RX-530 from the 80s. They sound fantastic... extremely natural. Maybe because they were consumer grade speakers at the time and made to be coupled with this generation of amp. The Crown's match up pretty well too if you're keen on something more pro. Just my 2 cents. :)

Tue, 08/05/2008 - 19:36 Permalink