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Hello I use Nuendo 3.1. Im having trouble adding effects at a certain point of the track. lets say i want some echo effects from 1:03 to 1:06 How do I do that?

Can someone help me please.



MadTiger3000 Tue, 08/08/2006 - 14:43

FreakStudios wrote: Hello I use Nuendo 3.1. Im having trouble adding effects at a certain point of the track. lets say i want some echo effects from 1:03 to 1:06 How do I do that??

Can someone help me please.


Make sure you are using your mouse/touchpad/etc. to select only the portion you want to be processed.

Then go up into the menu and select the effect you want.

rmeulen Thu, 08/10/2006 - 01:49

for non-destructive echo.

Add a "fx" track, add an "echo"/"delay" device to insert 1
On your track, where you want echo, select in the AUX the FX track, enable and apply amount.
Next you can use automation to add the effect on desired timing. Check your manual on how automation in Nuendo works.