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Pre's & Converters in Banks of 8.

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Submitted by anonymous on

For the sake of debate, I know it starts with tuning, player, placement, etc. The focus of this thread is 100% drums in banks of 8. Budget is negotiable, but lets assume you have $10,000 total. Do you keep some money, or spend it?

[=""]True Systems Precision 8[/]="http://www.true-sys…"]True Systems Precision 8[/] vs. [[url=http://="http://www.gracedes…"]Grace 801[/]="http://www.gracedes…"]Grace 801[/] vs. [=""]PreSonus M80[/]="http://www.PreSonus…"]PreSonus M80[/]

Is the Grace worth it over a Precision 8 over a PreSonus, etc? Other specific Suggestions? Is the money better spent on the mic, or preamp?

Converters: Give me your thoughts on [[url=http://="http://www.lucidaud…"]Lucid ADA 8824[/]="http://www.lucidaud…"]Lucid ADA 8824[/] vs. [=""]Apogee AD8000[/]="http://www.apogeedi…"]Apogee AD8000[/] vs. the [[url=http://="…"]MOTU 1296[/]="…"]MOTU 1296[/]. Does cost matter enough to warrent an Apogee for this application?

Are those subtle differences worth the cost in this case? It would seem most of the subtle gains get lost going back to the CD.


DAW Soft: Logic Plat 4.8

Interface: 2408mkII ADAT or TDIF

TLM193's, TLM 103's OH

SM-81's OH & Toms

C-418's, Beta98's, Rack Toms

421's F.Tom

Beta52 & D112 Kik,

57 & Beyer m101

Anyone use the on resonant kick outside?


