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Pro Tools Control 24, any opinions?

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Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 05/12/2004 - 08:45

I was just curious on peoples thoughts on the Control 24, for Pro Tools HD3? The studio I am going to be freelancing from has just upgraded to one with a HD3 system, and I was curious on peoples opinions.. and how does it measure up compared to the medium to large format analog consoles?
Also what are the Focusrite pres in it meant to be like.. Or should I just stick to the outboard?
The idea looks quite attractive to me, although I'm more of an analog fiend :twisted:


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Ok, well..the Control24 is not a replacement for an analog console by any stretch. It is merely a way to control PT on a scale that is less expensive, and less functional than ProControl. Both have wimpy monitoring features, but it is better than nothing.

The pre's are what they are. I wouldn't say that they are stellar. They require patching, so you can just use your pres instead if you like. This is the only part of it that can be compared to an analog console, and to do that, we would have to know what console's pres to compare it too.

I never have liked the feel or the angle of the Control24. That's just my take.

Wed, 05/12/2004 - 09:06 Permalink
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The control 24's are incredibly unreliable and the pre's leave quite a bit to be desired as well. I have had two of the bloody things die at sae college Brisbane within a week of each other and the second one was a loaner we had from digidesign whilst the first was being patched up! Jumpstart studios Brisbane has had similar experiences as have numerous others I have dealt with. Don't touch the crappy things, they are even worse than the 002's and thats bad......

Thu, 05/13/2004 - 04:59 Permalink
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If you want to have a play with mine give me a yell.
For mixing they are great the pres are useable if you like mackie type preamps :D
For editing well.. for insterting plugins umm well.
for transport,automationing plugins and faders, for flipping to get up foldback mixes yeah they are great.

Mine is due to get fixed for the third time, hopefully the newer ones are better. In the US where DIGI bends over for customers they sent new replacement ones out for the first probelms like, paint work etc. Mien had been upgraded each time at a weeks downtime.
Lucky your in Melbourne as tech workshops only people who fix them OZ wide.

Give me a email if you want to have a play.

Fri, 05/14/2004 - 01:52 Permalink