Nate Tschetter
16 October 2003
Just a rumor I heard...
Iriver's IHP series already records, has a built-in mic (for doi
Iriver's IHP series already records, has a built-in mic (for doing quick recording of ideas/conversations), has digital ins/outs, an FM tuner, will record in MP3 or WAV.. and the battery lasts about 4x as long as the Ipod. And it's cheaper.
I love mine, and know a bunch of other people who've picked them up - all love em.
what i really hate about the ipod thing is that it is programmed
what i really hate about the ipod thing is that it is programmed to allow 24/192 but it only records at 8/11200 (i think)
i've heard rummors that there are people working on a crack for it?
anyone knows? for what i know the recording limitation is just software! probably apple's affraid of law suits or something like that!
Howdy Turned out to be a little adapter by Belkin that allows
Turned out to be a little adapter by Belkin that allows voice recording.
I would really like something like this for location recording. A friend records shows all the time using a stereo mic and a Creative Labs Nomad. It comes out sounding pretty least, enough to archive shows and whatnot.