I have been recording bands for about 2 years but I am having a hard time tuning in my snare sound. I always replace it with drumagog. How can I get a great snappy pop out of the snare with what I am using? I have some sm57s and 421s, an 1176, and tons of plugins in Pro Tools. Ive been reading through the site and found lots of stuff on drum sounds, and I really like the details in this one {old-link-removed} but i want a little more pop for harder rock.
Any advice would help, expecially with specific details, or compression settings. Thank you.
I can make a few recommendations. 1) Make sure you snare has a
I can make a few recommendations.
1) Make sure you snare has a new head and its broken in and tuned.
2) Plastic Tipped Drum sticks make a snappier sound than wood
3) Mic The top and Bottom of the snare using the methods in the post you referenced
4) Flip the bottom mic out of phase
5) Play with the EQ, clean up the mud in the low ranges and bring out some stick snap with the mid-high ranges (It will differ for every snare)
6) Use a compressor, I usually use 3-4:1, the attack is very important so play with it, this will help get some more pop out of the strike
7) Make sure the drummer hits it like hes trying to break the head. That will make a world of difference
8) Once I have the top snare tweak I will eq and compress the bottom snare and slowly bring it up until fattens up and adds more pop.
9) A Good reverb will make the snare bigger
This is what i usually do and nothing is set in stone. Some of the above may or may not work for you.
The best advice I can offer is to play with your settings till you find something you like. I feel into the trap of using my most common settings and dialing em up real fast and not spending enough time tweaking them. I made a large improvement in my drum sound by taking the time to really eq and compress them and using the right reverb.
hope that helps.
Thanks for your time in replying, and for some good tips! Some
Thanks for your time in replying, and for some good tips!
Sometimes I get in the rut of fast-tuning into the basic compression settings without really fine tuning. About that reverb, I have been trying different things out like: different reverbs on the top/bottom snare head, etc. Any recommendations?
yeah That rut is my downfall. I found a neat trick I like to us
yeah That rut is my downfall.
I found a neat trick I like to use to EQ things. I will max out the gain on one of the eq channels and then drag the eq slider until I find something nasty and then I will pull that frequency out a little or a lot. For the snare I find where the stick makes the most smack and then push that a little.
As for EQs, this was also the biggest thing I have found. The quality of the reverb can make or break the sound. I was previously using the D-Verb plugin that shipped with protools. When thats all I had it was good enough for me because I didnt know any better. Then I got the Tru-Verb plugin and it was like night and day. The D-verb sucked all the life out of the drums and just killed it. Tru-Verb made everything come to life and was a lot more flexable.
Reverb is also a taste thing. I found recently that i like smaller reverb sounds with less decay. Also depends on the style of music you are doing.
Im not knocking d-verb either, im sure people do good stuff with it. but you do get what you pay for and there is a reason d-verb is free :)