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Sonar 2.0 upgrade ... worth it?

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Submitted by oxyent on

I'm wondering if anyone has taken the plunge and upgraded to Sonar 2.0? I've got 1.0.3 and like it a lot, but I can't really tell from Cakewalks advertising whether the new stuff they've added makes the upgrade price worth it for right now. For me to upgrade from S1-XL to S2-XL is $169. Seems a little steep for a product that's mainly adding a few more plugins(that I may or may not have a use for). Been watching for reviews but maybe it's too soon yet.



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Yeah, that was my reaction too, when Cake sent me a blurb on upgrades. I do all my audio in Samplitude, 'cause it kicks everybody's ass in my book - all I use Cake/Sonar for is midi, and if it wasn't 16 bit, Cake 5 would be enough! Maybe they'll get hungrier and offer the upgrade for something reasonable, like $50 or so; if not, there's lotsa other toys just beggin' fer a home... Steve

Thu, 04/18/2002 - 07:40 Permalink