I Need A Sound Card That Will Deliver Top Notch Latency Performance 0-5 ms. I Do Not Have Any Need For Ins As I Want The Soundcard Solely For Midi Input to control Virtual Synthesizers. SO I want to be able to play them in almost real time =D. Any Reccomendations?
Lougarcia wrote: You can try using M-Audio delta soundcard. Onl
Lougarcia wrote: You can try using M-Audio delta soundcard.
Online Store
Careful. That's so close to spam I can almost measure the fat content.
Lougarcia wrote: You can try using M-Audio delta soundcard. Onl
Lougarcia wrote: You can try using M-Audio delta soundcard.
Online Store
Lougarcia, it is considered inappropriate or "bad form" to suggest websites that you have vested interest in or that you will profit from just by making considerations.
DJKSWISHA wrote: I Need A Sound Card That Will Deliver Top Notch
Yes, there are but they come at a premium so expect to pay more for more performance :D
RME, makes some of, if not the best audio interfaces.
9652 card is what you *need*
Now, there are many that use E-MU cards and they claim to rival RME's superb on-board DSP. -Not to mention the fact there is a significant price difference as well.