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tube screamer feedback

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Submitted by anonymous on

hey i gots a problem. i bought a ibanez TS9 and when i plug it in to my amp with my noise gate and EQ pedal all i get is a fuzzy sound and some feedback. this only happens when i go past 4 on my marshall valvestate amp. will a new noise gate help this problem. and if not what should i do


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tragedyman wrote: hey i gots a problem. i bought a ibanez TS9 and when i plug it in to my amp with my noise gate and EQ pedal all i get is a fuzzy sound and some feedback. this only happens when i go past 4 on my marshall valvestate amp. will a new noise gate help this problem. and if not what should i do

Try eleminating pedals,one at a time and see if it goes away,sounds like youre pushing the signal to hard.

Try using the send and return to patch in you pedals,if you amp is euipped with the inserts

Mon, 05/16/2005 - 22:30 Permalink