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I am a rap artist and produce all of my music at my studio. I am also starting to produce other artists, and not only rap artist. I have a particular beat that I am planning on rapping on. At the same time, I have this other manager that is wanting to put his artist on that same beat. 

1. How can I make money off the beat in the future if his artist makes it big? (copyrights? contracts? BMI?)

2. Can I also rap on the same beat? Do I need to copyright just my beat? or the finished song with me rapping on it?

Thank you! God Bless!


maintiger Thu, 09/16/2004 - 09:03

I am not sure about rap songs but regular songs are copyrighted "lyrics by..." "music by.."
or if it is the same person doing both is "lyrics and music by..." I assume that if the beat is the music that would be by you, and if the rap is the lyric, that would be for your cowriter. Download the form PA from the library of congress, fill it out and send it back with 30 bucs and it is copyrigted-