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Your task:

Record a loud rock and roll drummer **ONLY DRUMS** in a high ceiling'ed loft style apartment (cement walls and floors) but you have baffles/dividers etc at your disposal. You only have 8 A/Ds and youre recording to hard drive.

The Kit:
Old Slingerland, one rack tom, ride and crash, piccolo wood snare.

Your Mic locker consists of:

AKG D112
AKG C3000B
AKG C1000S x2
AKG C414 XLII x2
Sennheiser 421
SM57 x2

Your Preamp locker consists of:

Hamptone HVTP2 2 channel tube mic preamp
Sytek with BB mod on 3 & 4
2 API 512C

I'm curious to know how you guys would address this challenge and what combination of mic and pre you would try first.


LittleDogAudio Thu, 01/06/2005 - 07:36

I listed the rack tom.

Rack= Senn.421> Sytek chan 2

I would rely on the 414's for most of my overhead coverage.
I'm not a fan of the C1000's but if you place them in an interesting position in the room and maybe slam the Hamptone, you might get a cool result. I would say the C1000's would be used for mostly color/character.

XY could work fine if the placement is cool.


Try the C3000 as a mono room mic thru the Hamptone. Maybe try it 6-8 feet out in front of the drum set and about 2-3 feet off the floor. I do this with a single ribbon mic and smash the hell out of it, then tuck into the drum mix for an aggressive edge.

Hope this helps.


bradb Thu, 01/06/2005 - 07:53


I ment the floor tom!!

i thought it was interesting to leave it unmic'ed. Are you hoping to pick it up with the ride-side overhead? also the rack tom traditionally isn't directly underneath the overhead mics, so it may need some reinforcement... is this what you're thinking.

Thanks a million, good info.

Kev Thu, 01/06/2005 - 12:20

Interesting choices...

why ?
looks good to me

Sytek with BB mod on 3 & 4

I don't know the BB mod ... burr brown opamps ?

as for floor tom
... move the 57 bottom snare to floor tom and find something that is still left over for lower snare.
mmm wait .... there's a 58 ... perhaps use that on floor and keep the 57 under the snare. ... :roll:

is there still an AD left ?

use anything left over for another room mic just for another flavour .... perhaps behind the drummers head.

bradb Thu, 01/06/2005 - 12:40

interesting mostly because of the preamp choices. I don't really know where to start on these pres, i think i would have guessed and put the apis on overhead, hamptone on kick and snare and syteks on the rest.

My question is basically to discover general starting points with these pre's.


between the 57, 58 and sennheiser 421, which would you use on snare, rack and floor toms?