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z-Q2 Digital EQ

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Submitted by Scott Gould on

Is anybody familiar with the z-systems z-Q2? It claims to be a mastering EQ (and has a corresponding price tag) so I thought this might be the place to ask. I specifically wondered about the M/S encode-decode function, which changes it from applying EQ to the L & R channels, to applying it to mid and side. Is this a common mastering function? When would you want one EQ setting on the center of the mix and another on (both) sides? Or is this feature just one of those "because we can" things? I really got this box to use as a digitally inserted EQ on channels & buses, not for mastering (I don't do that). But I'm curious about that M/S thing, wondering if I should slap it across the 2 mix on the way to the Trakkers.




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Hi Scott,

Brad's response was quicker then his shadow :D

Oke my turn.

I have z-systems z-Q2 and I use it every day.

This eq is very special when you use wide q factors and go down or up.

It removes the dirt in nasty freq's.

Even if you have to master a impossible mix

it can clear a lot of mud.

The rest of your question is answered by Brad.

If you own the machine already you also can use the pwr dithering for if you want to mixdown to 16 bit.

best wishes,

Errol Lem

Wed, 03/20/2002 - 07:26 Permalink
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Scott Gould

Thanks guys!! Some good info there. Almost everything that leaves my studio is never going to see a mastering engineer. After more than 30 years, I quit doing anything in the recording/musical field for a living, now I just take on zero budget projects for those who would otherwise never get to do a 'professional' recording. (Community orchestras, students, churches, talented amateurs, etc.) If anything is going to be mass duplicated for release I would, of course, have it mastered by a professional. BUT - I wouldn't mind putting a little extra polish on the "lesser" things that leave my hands (since I already have the equipment, the time & inclination) and I do tend to get people begging me to do a little 'turd polishing' on things they've already recorded (& they rarely have multitrack masters...) So it's nice to know what the M/S configuration is good for.

Thanks again,


Wed, 03/20/2002 - 15:05 Permalink