So I'm new to recording I am using Pro Tool 10 running with PreSonus Digital preamp monitoring with M-audio BX5a's.
I have recently recorded a my friends band
Lead Vocals
I'm now at editing stage and wanted to stem out my drums so that it
1) looks neater cause it sometimes get confusing seeing so many clip's and tracks
2) takes up less screen real-estate by joining top and bottom mics
3) Make my session run smoother because I will open up the new steams in a completely new session
is there anyone here who can give me a great work flow ?
I've tried looking online but can't find much on this question.
thank you in advance for any help
Here are a few things on my top list. Are you sure about your m
Here are a few things on my top list.
It really comes down to being certain and including it all in the stem(s)
Hope that helps.
PS, Don't forget about your SR destination and any dithering. K
Woooh<<< gee thanks Chris! this was my first ever post on any fo
Woooh gee thanks Chris! this was my first ever post on any forum ever!! and I thank you so much for your time responding to my question
Welcome and it is always a pleasure passing the love of mixing o
Welcome and it is always a pleasure passing the love of mixing on. .