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what would you recommend for a beginner to read to familiarize themselves with the basics of recording?


RemyRAD Fri, 03/20/2009 - 01:26

Read all of the credits on the backs/insides of all commercial CD releases. This will teach you everything you need to know. Mostly, you'll hear people that know what they're doing. Then just do what you hear. It's that simple. You don't need to waste your money on any magazines nor books since they don't make any sound. Of course, sometimes you need books to throw at your speakers when they sound all scratchy. Sometimes I have to hit my console to make it work right. Especially when it's not listening to me.

I don't think British consoles understand Americans?
Ms. Remy Ann David

took-the-red-pill Wed, 03/25/2009 - 11:24

The Audio Pro Home Recording Course by Bill Gibson, if it's still in print, is about 500 pages of good solid recording information, and is a great beginning point. More importantly, it has hundreds of audio examples, on 4 CD's. So if you're miking a kit, or piano, or whatever, you can read about it, and then hear it miked in about 15 different ways, and get to know it from there.(No I'm in no way affiliated.)

It's also filled with lots of cheesy 80's sounds and useless information(for the beginner) on how to look after your tape heads.:-?

Remy's partially right. Yes, a book talking about recording music, with no samples, would be pretty much like a book on photography with no pictures. Kinda silly.

However, I've read the back of every CD and record I've ever owned, and it didn't tell me a thing about recording. That would be like buying a car, reading the owner's manual, and expecting that to teach you how to build a car from scratch.


music293 Mon, 03/30/2009 - 09:26

took-the-red-pill wrote:

However, I've read the back of every CD and record I've ever owned, and it didn't tell me a thing about recording. That would be like buying a car, reading the owner's manual, and expecting that to teach you how to build a car from scratch.


Not trying to start anything, but that's not the same because the owner's manual doesn't credit the individual people ( or machines, haha!) who built the car. An Album does.
